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Guidance on mail/package delivery to the Ephrata Training Center

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Jul 15, 2024, 6:02:18 PM7/15/24
to Sgc_News

Recent adventures trying to track down a package delivery in Ephrata lead to a pleasant and helpful conversation with the airport manager (Dave L.) Having chatted with several folks over the weekend I know there's widespread confusion. Here's what Dave told me:

First, you would think that mail or packages addressed to:

    c/o Seattle Glider Council
    30 Airport St NE
    Ephrata, WA  98823

... would get delivered to the Training Center. At least tossed on the deck out front. Apparently not:

    If USPS --> gets delivered to the Ephrata Airport Adminstration's PO Box at the post office. The airport staff may be able to pick this up on business days, and you may be able to retrieve it in the airport admin office during business hours. (This did not seem to irritate them, but maybe we shouldn't lean on it too much?)

    If UPS --> probably *does* get delivered to the Training Center

    If FedEx --> may get delivered to the Training Center, but sometimes they pass it off to USPS for final delivery, see above.

    If Amazon --> no idea what Amazon's internal couriers may do. Amazon seems to outsource final delivery to USPS. 

    Sometimes packages end up on the doorstep of the airport admin office as well.

Dave had two suggestions:

    1) If you need a package delivered to the Training Center, try to get it shipped via UPS.

    2) FWIW, Dave suggested that SGC get its own PO Box at the Ephrata post office.

Also #1: a small package arrived at the airport office for "Linda F Dixon", he thought it was SGC, it's now in the Training Center on the charging-counter.

Also #2: a package arrived at the airport office for a "Dustin Becht", no one recognizes it. Is this an SGC member, or there was speculation it might be the aerobatics folks at KEPH? It's still at the airport office.



stephen northcraft

Jul 15, 2024, 6:22:28 PM7/15/24

SGC does not need a PO Box in Ephrata.   UPS works fine, if people ship stuff to an SGC PO Box in Ephrata, it will take someone who is AUTHORIZED to access the contents of the box.  And we do not want to leave a key in the training center.


From: <> on behalf of Alex <>
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2024 3:02 PM
To: Sgc_News <>
Subject: [SGC_Discussion] Guidance on mail/package delivery to the Ephrata Training Center
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Chris Klix

Jul 15, 2024, 6:23:56 PM7/15/24
to Sgc_News, Alex Winbow
Thanks Alex,  I checked the member roster on our website and the name “Becht” does not come up.  I will let Tom Dixon know about their package at the Training Center at our board meeting tonight.


Thomas Dixon

Jul 15, 2024, 8:24:53 PM7/15/24
to, Alex Winbow
Chris I will not be on the board meeting tonight. Would you mind resending the box to me home
12777 w Ginger Creek D
Boise, ID 83713 
Please let me know the cost and I will pay you. Already owe Mike B for one. Problem with Amazon have contacted them about the address issue. We used it once and removed the address but it keeps going back to the SGC. THANKS IN ADVANCE. 
Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 15, 2024, at 4:24 PM, Chris Klix <> wrote:

 Thanks Alex,  I checked the member roster on our website and the name “Becht” does not come up.  I will let Tom Dixon know about their package at the Training Center at our board meeting tonight.

Chris Klix

Jul 16, 2024, 12:23:49 AM7/16/24
to Sgc_News
Hi Tom,

Hope Mackey is going well.  I am back on the west side and am not sure when I will be back in Ephrata.  However Dennis is still there.  Can you contact him about sending it to you?


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