Regular meetups?

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Vicky Knox

Jul 31, 2014, 3:00:26 AM7/31/14
Hey folks!

Welcome to the list! A number of people on different occasions have brought up the idea of starting a regular meetup for the SF LocalWiki. Oakland Wiki currently does meetups every other Thursday at 7pm out of Sudo Room (a hackerspace in north Oakland). Since there is some cross-bay interest, I thought it'd be cool to do weekly, alternate Oakland/SF meetups. What do you think? Other ideas?

There is also the question of location. I know the Prelingers really liked our group and would like to host other events, though those may be more dedicated research events like the gentrification editathon. There was also talk of potentially hosting some events at Double Union. Any other thoughts/proposals? Know any other friendly organizations?

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

Talk to you soon,

Ben Donley

Jul 31, 2014, 1:42:25 PM7/31/14
What is done in these regular meet ups if not wiki editing and research? I'm up for whatever. Regular editathons at Prelinger seems like it would be fun too. I don't have any other suggestions to offer.


Vicky Knox

Jul 31, 2014, 2:27:33 PM7/31/14
to Ben Donley,
When the Oakland Wiki meetups were first starting out we would meet almost exclusively to edit and research, and do work organizing and promoting events we'd hold such as our local history editathon series and themed editathons (such as this hackerspaces one).

As time has gone on and the wiki has become more well-known, we've gotten all kinds of visitors, including curious community members, journalists, angry real estate developers, librarians, other groups that wanted to use Oakland Wiki for their projects (such as the Mapping Educational Ecosystems Project), etc., and have needed to provide them with an entryway into the wiki and the potential that it holds.

The meetups have overall been a good way for us to all keep in touch and organize around issues and interests as they happen. When a couple of the Oakland Wiki folks created the Vegetarians and Vegans portal, we had a vegan pizza party editathon. When the Domain Awareness Center (a proposed surveillance data hub in Oakland) started picking up steam, a few of us covered city hall meetings and tweeted Oakland Wiki articles as reference resources (which got picked up by the NYTimes!).

The tl;dr of my response is that the meetings consist of both what people want to bring to the table, and what surprises us. As the SF Wiki evolves and more people recognize its potential for community empowerment (which at this point I think is inevitable), I think it'll be really crucial to have a solid core of people with varying powers: some to find and introduce potential new contributors to the platform, others to answer journalists (not me, plz), organize fun events, respond to people who've been able to get away with abuses due to a lack of transparency around their actions, etc.

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Chocolate Lotus

Aug 1, 2014, 6:32:52 PM8/1/14
to Vicky Knox,
I would participate.  Could we combine the two in one meetup somehow and/or switch up bayside locations? SF dwellers get to visit Oakland dwellers and vice versa, do localized things together, keep informed.  I would like something that keeps the flow between the two sister cities going on the  #gentrification phenomenon.
If I can think of anything else, I will. 

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Marina Kukso

Aug 1, 2014, 7:19:24 PM8/1/14
to Cee El, Vicky Knox,
I'd be down to do one week in Oakland, one week in SF (if others are interested also).

I go to the Oakland meetups fairly frequently and usually try to get some editing done. It's really low key. Some folks work on events, other can be whatever you like. It's fun to just get together and edit with other folks sometimes :)

If Prelinger would want to host us, I'd be into going on Wednesdays (every other Wed., of course).

We can also just meetup at a cafe (or even different cafes).

- Marina

Ivan Silva

Aug 2, 2014, 4:45:02 PM8/2/14
to Marina Kukso, Cee El, Vicky Knox,
Does anyone wanna get together and update the Berkeley Wiki as well? Also, I've been nursing a strong desire to learn more about Richmond, thus creating entries on their wiki.

I'm all about more wiki edit parties not sure how frequently i'll go the west bay(am i saying it correctly?). I'll try to post the events on the meetup page.

Philip Neustrom

Aug 4, 2014, 11:33:38 PM8/4/14
to Ivan Silva, Marina Kukso, Cee El, Vicky Knox,
I'm very down for regular SF meetups!  We could just have a set time and meet at a cafe somewhere, switching to places like Prelinger when available?

I also want to learn more about Richmond (I was born there and know practically nothing about it!) & Berkeley. I think it's pretty easy to find a place to meet up in Berkeley, but last time I tried in Richmond it was a bit more difficult (we had a LocalWiki meeting at a police station..)

(Caveat for me being that I can't make any meetups IRL until the end of September as I'm out of the country)


Britta Gustafson

Aug 5, 2014, 12:00:38 AM8/5/14
to Philip Neustrom, Ivan Silva, Marina Kukso, Cee El, Vicky Knox,
It was super fun and inspiring to have access to the Prelinger Library materials!

For other times, I can easily host editing events at Double Union (at 14th St. & Valencia in the Mission), a women-centered hacker/makerspace that is happy to have people of all genders at events. A nice advantage of hosting at least one event there is that it has an existing community of members and other people who subscribe to its mailing list for public events, which could encourage new people to join in as editors.


Marina Kukso

Aug 6, 2014, 12:10:40 AM8/6/14
to Britta Gustafson, Philip Neustrom, Ivan Silva, Cee El, Vicky Knox,
1) I would love to do stuff in Berkeley. Ivan, is there a night of the week that works for you? We also don't have to do every week.

2) I'd love to have an event at Double Union! (I've never been there.) There's also a LOT of work that needs to be done on issues relating to women in tech in SF. I started this page a while ago, but clearly there's a lot that needs to be done: Would you all be down to meet up next Wed. 8/13? Might Double Union be available to host us then?

3) Britta's awesome blog post is live! Thank you awesome Britta!: Please share with your friends!

4) Our next scheduled event in SF is on 8/23 at Code for America and will be an all-day editathon (lunch provided!) focusing on SF government issues - government processes, departments, elected officials, services, and more! This event is co-organized with Code for SF and they are inviting gov workers to it as well. We'd love to have you there! Details & RSVP at

Marina Kukso

Aug 6, 2014, 7:34:48 PM8/6/14
to Britta Gustafson, Philip Neustrom, Ivan Silva, Cee El, Vicky Knox,
Hi all,

Vicky and I will be in SF tonight at the weekly Code for San Francisco civic hack night. We'll be editing and showing any interested folks how to wiki. We'll also be talking to people about the City Knowledge Share event that we're co-organizing with Code for San Francisco.

If you're around, feel free to drop by! It's at the Code for America office starting at 6:30PM. Details:

- Marina

Britta Gustafson

Aug 6, 2014, 9:08:23 PM8/6/14
to Marina Kukso, Philip Neustrom, Ivan Silva, Cee El, Vicky Knox,
Oh, interesting point about the Code for America Wednesday hack nights - maybe we should schedule editing meetups for other days of the week, to avoid conflicts for interested people? Tuesday or Friday next week would be free for me as a host at Double Union.


Cee El

Aug 6, 2014, 9:41:22 PM8/6/14
to Marina Kukso, Britta Gustafson, Philip Neustrom, Ivan Silva, Vicky Knox,
Thanks for the info, Marina. I can't be there, wish I could.  See you all later. Davida

Marina Kukso

Aug 6, 2014, 9:53:03 PM8/6/14
to Cee El, Britta Gustafson, Philip Neustrom, Ivan Silva, Vicky Knox,
I'd love to do next Tues. at Double Union! Any others?

(Also Britta - I think I just saw you at CFA!)

- Marina

Britta Gustafson

Aug 6, 2014, 10:03:55 PM8/6/14
to Marina Kukso, Cee El, Philip Neustrom, Ivan Silva, Vicky Knox,
Ha yeah, I wanted to say hi but had to leave for a Double Union meeting, which are on Wednesday evenings too - aah!


Vicky Knox

Aug 6, 2014, 11:38:54 PM8/6/14
to Britta Gustafson, Marina Kukso, Cee El, Philip Neustrom, Ivan Silva,
Hey everyone!

Next Tuesday at Double Union sounds good to me! What time would work for you, Britta?

I'm also very down to do more Richmond and Berkeley content. Ivan, when do you think you'd want to do Berkeley meetups?


Britta Gustafson

Aug 7, 2014, 6:14:57 AM8/7/14
to Vicky Knox, Marina Kukso, Cee El, Philip Neustrom, Ivan Silva,
It looks like the Oakland Wiki meetups are 7:00-8:30 pm, so we can do that for Tuesday. I can post something to the Double Union blog ( to tell people about the meetup. Feel free to improve this, and then I can post it:


Marina Kukso

Aug 7, 2014, 3:04:52 PM8/7/14
to Britta Gustafson, Vicky Knox, Cee El, Philip Neustrom, Ivan Silva,
Awesome. I made the title simpler (just "San Francisco LocalWiki meetup, Tuesday August 12") and added a note about the Women in Tech page. Feel free to change it back though. I think it looks ready to post!

Thank you!

Ivan Silva

Aug 8, 2014, 2:57:32 AM8/8/14
to Marina Kukso, Britta Gustafson, Vicky Knox, Cee El, Philip Neustrom,
Berkeley Meetups: We can check with folks from the Berkeley Wikipedia meetup group, Karen Coyle?Michael Gorman?

Richmond: Let me check with the librarians and see if they can host us.

Wow. Much edit parties. I like it :)

Britta Gustafson

Aug 8, 2014, 6:05:21 AM8/8/14
to Ivan Silva, Marina Kukso, Vicky Knox, Cee El, Philip Neustrom,
Double Union blog post is scheduled for posting at 10 am today, and it'll get automatically linked on shortly after that. :)


Marina Kukso

Aug 8, 2014, 2:57:14 PM8/8/14
to Britta Gustafson, Ivan Silva, Vicky Knox, Cee El, Philip Neustrom,
Sweet! Really looking forward to it :)

- Marina

Arlen Abraham

Aug 8, 2014, 5:04:28 PM8/8/14
to Marina Kukso, Britta Gustafson, Ivan Silva, Vicky Knox, Cee El, Philip Neustrom,
Is there a gCal for meetups? Would that be excessive?


Ivan Silva

Aug 8, 2014, 5:40:39 PM8/8/14
to Marina Kukso, Vicky Knox, Britta Gustafson,, Philip Neustrom, Cee El

I second the gcal idea. Nothing is excessive, we do it all. I'd love to subscribe to that calendar.

Marina Kukso

Aug 8, 2014, 5:58:06 PM8/8/14
to Arlen Abraham, Britta Gustafson, Ivan Silva, Vicky Knox, Cee El, Philip Neustrom,
Good idea. Sent!

Arlen Abraham

Aug 8, 2014, 6:29:37 PM8/8/14
to Marina Kukso, Britta Gustafson, Ivan Silva, Vicky Knox, Cee El, Philip Neustrom,
Oh, I meant like an actual shared calendar rather than an invite. The advantage of a calendar is that you can have it as a public link and people can copy events to their personal calendar (or just turn the cal on/off) rather than having to be invited to a specific event.


Ivan Silva

Aug 9, 2014, 12:10:41 PM8/9/14
to Arlen Abraham, Marina Kukso, Britta Gustafson, Vicky Knox, Cee El, Philip Neustrom,
This is a bit off the topic of this thread but regarding Arlen's post. LocalWiki could create a non-profit/organization Google account and take full advantage of the Google suite of apps.

Vicky Knox

Aug 9, 2014, 4:25:51 PM8/9/14
to Ivan Silva, Arlen Abraham, Marina Kukso, Britta Gustafson, Cee El, Philip Neustrom,
I love the blog post! Looking forward to all our meetups. :]

Regarding Berkeley, I think Marina was going to get in contact with Kevin (not Michael) Gorman..any word on that?
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