Fellow Lions,
I will be present at our meeting today, Wednesday, May 3, 2023 starting at 6:00 PM to collect dues for the coming Lionistic year (I will be a bit late due to another meeting, in my absence please give payments to Sec. PDG Dr. Jun).
All members with an email on file should have received an electronic PDF invoice. Information on how to pay is listed there, cash (in person), check and electronic payments are available. If you have questions about dues or have not received your invoice, please contact me via email or phone (in my email signature). Thank you for your prompt payment.
We are approaching the end of the year, and any members that are not paid by June 30, 2023 are subject to possible suspension of membership, to avoid losses incurred by the club from dues levied to us from Lions International and the District/Multiple. Requests for exemptions or payment plans due to financial hardship may be made to the Membership Committee, contact PP
+Lion Lorna Feria.