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Can malicious porm traffic - can it hurt my SEO?

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Jan 30, 2018, 11:23:08 AM1/30/18
to Google Search Engine Optimization SEO Google - MSN - Yahoo
Hi Everyone,

For a week+ now my site is polluted with a big volume of low quality traffic from popup ad networks - mostly on porn sites.

I suspect that a competitor is trying to damage my SE rankings by driving huge amounts of adult related users to my site with pop under traffic (PPV).

This is about 60% of my traffic now and increasing. 

Can this hurt my site's SEO?  

Any idea what can I do to prevent this from damaging my site and the hard work I invested in it?


Jay Bale

Jan 30, 2018, 11:47:34 AM1/30/18
to seo1
What's the URL? I will look into it.

Jay Bale

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