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duplicate content checker?

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Ben McFerren

Jul 4, 2020, 8:18:54 PM7/4/20
to Google Search Engine Optimization SEO Google - MSN - Yahoo
I am paying contractors to write text content for me. They are supposed to be researching a topic that I assign to them and writing original content with their own voice and a unique order of information. When they deliver to me, the only way I can check is to google search each sentence. Is there a url that Google provides that I can paste this content into to ensure that it is unique and passes Google's duplicate content standards?

Jay Bale

Jul 4, 2020, 8:20:47 PM7/4/20
to seo1
You are doing it the right way. Never rely on a tool.
Jay Bale

On Sat, Jul 4, 2020 at 8:18 PM Ben McFerren <> wrote:
I am paying contractors to write text content for me. They are supposed to be researching a topic that I assign to them and writing original content with their own voice and a unique order of information. When they deliver to me, the only way I can check is to google search each sentence. Is there a url that Google provides that I can paste this content into to ensure that it is unique and passes Google's duplicate content standards?

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Jay Bale SEO
GT Rusty LLC
1935 Pauline Blvd Suite H
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Cell: 734-646-7694
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Google Expert Michael Wilson

Jul 4, 2020, 10:56:20 PM7/4/20
You can also copy paste a few lines in Google search and see if it's there right  

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