[Bike to the Future] Volunteer and employment opportunities, other news

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Bike to the Future

Apr 23, 2011, 10:32:10 AM4/23/11
to Bike to the Future announcements
Hello Bike to the Future members and supporters. This newsletter contains the following items:

1. April Monthly Meeting minutes / May Monthly Meeting
2. Commuter Cycling Skills courses -- BttF member discount
3. Winnipeg Cycling Map 2011 launches on May 2
4. Bike to Work Day -- Logistics Coordinator and many other volunteers wanted
5. Volunteers wanted: Bicycle Valet Winnipeg -- Red River Ex, Kidsfest
6. Employment opportunity: Bike to the Future Office Administrator / Bicycle Valet Winnipeg Project Coordinator
7. Ride of Silence -- volunteers wanted
8. BttF membership
Kevin Miller
Bike to the Future, Co-Chair

April Monthly Meeting minutes / May Monthly Meeting

Our April Monthly Meeting minutes have been posted at http://biketothefuture.org/about/meetings.

Our May Monthly Meeting is on Tuesday May 10 at 5:30 PM at the Sport for Life Centre.

Commuter Cycling Skills courses -- BttF member discount

The City of Winnipeg's Leisure Guide is offering two one-day City Cycling: Commuter Cycling Skills courses in May. Bike to the Future will pay for 50% of the course registration fee for its members to attend a course. A reimbursement cheque will be presented at the course to members who have contacted us prior to the course date and indicated that they have registered for the course.

If you've purchased or renewed a BttF membership in the last year, you're a member. If you're not sure, you can
ask us, or you can purchase a membership.

Winnipeg Cycling Map 2011 launches on May 2

The project team that is working on Winnipeg Cycling Map 2011 (a major update of Winnipeg Cycling Map 2009) has announced that it will be available in bike shops on May 2. The new version will have a street index, rather than sidebars with safety tips and skill info. The safety information will be released in a separate publication.

Bike to Work Day -- Logistics Coordinator and many other volunteers wanted

The Bike to Work Day planning committee needs a Logistics Coordinator to work with the Bike to Work Day Event Coordinator in organizing the operation of the five Oases.

This is a very important volunteer position to ensure the success of Bike to Work Day on Friday June 24.

If you're interested (or need more info), please contact the Bike to Work Day Event Coordinator.

Many other volunteers are needed.

Volunteers wanted: Bicycle Valet Winnipeg -- Red River Ex, Kidsfest

Red River Ex

Bicycle Valet Winnipeg has been contracted to provide services at Red River Exhibition Park on both Saturdays of the Ex (June 18 and 25), and is looking for volunteers to staff the bicycle valet at two locations: Kapyong Barracks (Park & Ride location) and Red River Exhibition Park. There will be a shuttle back and forth, so if you are volunteering at Red River Exhibition Park, you may park your bicycle at the Park & Ride location.


Bicycle Valet Winnipeg has been contracted to provide services for Kidsfest at The Forks from Thursday June 9 to Sunday June 12. They are looking for volunteers to staff the bicycle valet.

If you can help with either event or are interested in helping with other Bicycle Valet Winnipeg events, please contact the Bicycle Valet Winnipeg Volunteer Coordinator.
Employment opportunity: Bike to the Future Office Administrator / Bicycle Valet Winnipeg Project Coordinator

The Bike to the Future Office Administrator / Bicycle Valet Winnipeg Project Coordinator will report to Bike to the Future's Board of Directors and provide administrative support to the organization. This person will also be the primary leader and executive director of Bicycle Valet Winnipeg, a project of Bike to the Future.

More info and the job posting


Ride of Silence -- volunteers wanted


It's a 20K ride at ~20KPH (~one hour) in honor of those who have been injured or killed while cycling on public roadways.

We'll be organizing a ride in Winnipeg.

A BttF member has volunteered to lead the organization of the Ride of Silence, but other volunteers are needed to assist him with planning and organizing (decide the route, obtain a parade permit, etc). If you are interested, please contact us.

BttF membership

Members of Bike to the Future agree with our mission and vision and support it. We are a volunteer-run, incorporated, non-profit organization that is only as strong as our membership.

Many Bike to the Future memberships are due for renewal.

Please show your support for our work by becoming a member or renewing your membership.

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