MiKandi Experiences with SDCH, a Demo and Thanks

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Christopher O'Connell

Jan 8, 2016, 6:19:05 PM1/8/16
Hello all,

First and foremost, many thanks for the insightful posts on this list. We found them invaluable as we implemented SDCH.

Second, as promised, our experiences with SDCH. https://mikandi.com/blog/tips-and-tricks/press-me-a-sdch-implementing-shared-dictionary-compression/

Finally, a few tools we use for working with dictionaries and an automated demo to train a dictionary on 10 random Wikipedia pages and then run a comparison on VCDiff, GZip and VCDiff+GZip on 20 random Wikipedia pages: https://github.com/mikandi/sdch-tools

All the best,

~ Christopher


Jan 9, 2016, 3:19:41 AM1/9/16
Hi Christopher,
Nice post!
Do you remember why did you resort to interleaved format (except partial decoding)? From few examples I've ran I saw that interleaved format gives worse gzip compression, and the final result is bigger.

Christopher O'Connell

Jan 9, 2016, 3:57:41 AM1/9/16
to SD...@googlegroups.com
I thought it was required. I'm not sure we tried it without. New test.

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Jan 9, 2016, 4:03:51 AM1/9/16
nope, it is not required but suggested, if you use interleaved (at least this is how I understood it) you can decode partially transferred data, when it is not interleaved you have to have the whole data to decode. Chrome can handle both, at least this is what I see. Interleaved compression is not as good as standard format, at least in my test, OTOH this may be not true for your data
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