Idea Bounce House

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Dec 11, 2010, 11:38:57 AM12/11/10
to SC NanoWrimo R+R
This is the place were you can bounce any and all unfinished ideas of
each other and get some feed back!


Dec 11, 2010, 2:46:25 PM12/11/10
to SC NanoWrimo R+R
I'm writing a short story about a 50's-ish woman who finds an elderly
gryphon along side a country road. She takes him home to her "ranch"
to take care of him since he can't remember his way home or much
else....... and that's where my brain stops. Should she call animal
control and old folks home or her priest? ;)


Dec 11, 2010, 2:47:06 PM12/11/10
to SC NanoWrimo R+R

I've been having an idea about identical twins. One is in prison for
some vicious crime and everyone thinks she's crazy. The other is a
noble or famous warrior who rules with an iron fist. The free twin
comes to visit often and taunts the imprisoned one because it turns
out that the free twin is actually the one who did the crime and the
one in prison is innocent. Nobody believes her though because she is
"insane" sooo the whole idea is that she'll have to break free and
bring her twin to justice or something before she is executed.... yeah
so let's see what we can do with this guys :)

On Dec 11, 11:38 am, Belldandy245 <> wrote:


Dec 11, 2010, 2:50:50 PM12/11/10
to SC NanoWrimo R+R
(aw i want a gryphon to pop up on the side of a road.) when i read
this all i saw was that the animal control people were corrupt and
coming after the gryphon to experiment or maybe just to get rid of all
mythical creatures....yeah

Victoria Perry

Dec 11, 2010, 6:41:22 PM12/11/10
To Sarah Macklin

I'm writing a short story about a 50's-ish woman who finds an elderly
gryphon along side a country road. She takes him home to her "ranch"
to take care of him since he can't remember his way home or much
else....... and that's where my brain stops. Should she call animal
control and old folks home or her priest? ;)

Questions for you to think about:  What kind of world is this?  Is it open? Do they know that there are magical creatures?  What kind of woman is the heroine? Is she a earth mother type or a corporate type?  Does she have a family?  Perhaps she is accustomed to rescuing animals (and if she stops, that would make it seem like she is in fact accustomed to rescuing them) and she has a sanctuary where she cares for them. Or maybe this one is different and instead of calling animal control, she chooses to take care of him herself.  Just think about that and see if it helps. :)
Vikki Perry
Novelist - in - training


Dec 11, 2010, 6:56:54 PM12/11/10
to SC NanoWrimo R+R
Would this be the right place for this? I'm thinking I need to say
this differently. These are the last two paragraphs of my fanfic
piece. The main characters have just told the secondary characters
some important news and have asked them not to tell anyone else on the
ship. I was happy when I first wrote it, but now think it sounds
corny. Could you tell me what you think? Thanks.

( “You’ve pretty much echoed my thoughts on the matter as well,”
stated Everett. “We decided to trust you with this because you have
all been a tremendous support to us for the last few days. The next
few months will not be easy, but we will have opportunities to explore
that no other people from Earth have had, and I know we can do this if
we stick together. He put his hand on top of Melissa’s and asked,
“So, what do we say, are we together?”
Mac was the first one to put his hand on top of theirs. He was
then followed by Scott, Greer, TJ, Chloe, and Eli, and the whole group
said, “Together!!” As the other six were leaving, Melissa’s heart
soared knowing that they had begun the bonds of a family.)

On Dec 11, 11:38 am, Belldandy245 <> wrote:


Dec 12, 2010, 11:36:59 AM12/12/10
to SC NanoWrimo R+R
My vote is for the priest.

On Dec 11, 2:46 pm, sarah_macklin <> wrote:


Dec 12, 2010, 11:41:54 AM12/12/10
to SC NanoWrimo R+R
Are they princesses? I want them have some kind of hold on the
throne. Maybe the good one married an old and sick King, and her bad
twin took her place, killed him, and made it look like it was "her"
and they all think she's insane because she killed the king. Just a


Dec 12, 2010, 1:57:24 PM12/12/10
to SC NanoWrimo R+R
@everyone: I think there will be a magical "animal control" who'll be
looking for him and she won't let them have him. We'll see what other
events transpire. Mwahaha!

@darkndangel: Perhaps there is a sympathetic guard who'll help the
imprisoned one escape or a noble who'll want to off the free twin for
the betterment of the land or just themselves. Perhaps the innocent
twin once she escapes, will become a beacon of hope for the people
who're under her sister's iron grip. There could be uprisings. Oh how
I love uprisings!

On Dec 11, 2:47 pm, darkndangel9 <> wrote:
> > each other and get some feed back!- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


Dec 12, 2010, 4:07:03 PM12/12/10
to SC NanoWrimo R+R
:DD just gave me a fantastico idea!! thank yoooooooooou *goes to write
it down*
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