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Dec 6, 2010, 8:04:38 PM12/6/10
to SC NanoWrimo R+R
Please post what you think the rules of this group should be. This is
an evolving document. Much like the Code, it will be more of
guidelines than stones, but every group must have rules, even flying
alien pirate ninjas with two eye patches.


Dec 7, 2010, 4:53:03 PM12/7/10
to SC NanoWrimo R+R
Perhaps there can be a time limit to a story review, depending on the
length of the work of course.


Dec 8, 2010, 10:29:30 AM12/8/10
to SC NanoWrimo R+R
Or maybe a limit on the length of a submission?

Also, I was wondering if we could also have a thread where we bounce
ideas off eachother, or more like a plot doctoring thread. That way we
can get help if needed.

Also, could there be a thread devoted to Opening sentences. Since the
opening sentence is your hook line I think that should have it's own
area for constuction. (I guess I said that right :-/)


Dec 8, 2010, 12:31:47 PM12/8/10
to SC NanoWrimo R+R
i like both these ideas! it would be fun to see how you hook people
in. *goes to fix her opening sentence*

haricot vert

Dec 9, 2010, 11:07:57 AM12/9/10
to SC NanoWrimo R+R
I also like the idea of a thread, or threads, for brainstorming and/or
bouncing ideas around.

On Dec 8, 10:29 am, ElainePhillips <> wrote:

haricot vert

Dec 9, 2010, 11:10:44 AM12/9/10
to SC NanoWrimo R+R
Is a week too long to have the story (or chunk of story)?

Also, speaking of chunks of story and their lengths, how about 3-5
pages, double spaced? *cough and yes i'm thinking about how much i
can revise in a manageable amount of time cough*


Dec 10, 2010, 12:07:33 PM12/10/10
to SC NanoWrimo R+R
Hahaha!!! Talk about you, I was going to say 800 to 1000 words. That's
about all I can really manage to critque in a weeks time cause of life
and stuff. So my vote is for that.
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Dec 11, 2010, 11:26:12 AM12/11/10
to SC NanoWrimo R+R
Thanks so much guys! I'm so excited about this! These are all really
great points. Here is what they would look like in a
First, since the individuals critiquing have to agree with the person
posting I would rather not put such a low maximum page count (if
people had
to read my story 1000 words at a time it would take years ;). Also, I
think one week (7 days) is a
great time frame for returns. So, here is the compromise, if you
agree, disagree, or would like something added please post your
comments off of this post. Thanks!
1. Submitted writings for review must be in a word, or
word readable format (i.e. Google docs).
2. Size of proposed edits will be no more than 5 pages double spaced
(less is preferable if you want more than one reader! Page lengths
must be posted for reading/exchange and all parties must agree to edit
said page lengths)
3. Reviews must be returned via personal email and/or in the form of
edits on the original work to the writer within 7 days of the start of
the exchange.
a. Writers that return papers with short single phrase responses
such as “Good Job” or “Great Work”, but no edits or papers returned
with no reason for not editing will not count as having edited the
4. Any work to be revised with questionable content must state so when
preparing to exchange. (We don’t want any readers caught off guard
and in too much shock to finish the review. Writers are more than
welcome to have such content, just inform the reader so they can agree
to read it)
a. Example: If the piece has a sex scene or extremely graphic
violence in the reviewing work state so in the exchange post.
5. Please state page count (double spaced), genre, type of story
(Novel, Novella, Short Story, Poem, or Other), questionable content
(if any), date by which you have to have someone to look at it for
a. Example of proposed exchange:
4 Pages of a Romance Novel ready
for editing! Explicit sex scene included this time! Looking for edit
by 01/20/11.
6. You can post as many submissions as you can equally edit in a week
for the people you are exchanging/editing with. You are not limited
to posting only one document for editing or waiting till the end of
the 7 days to post another document if you have one ready.

Second: I think the sentence editing and plot help are all great
ideas. I will set up post blocks that these groups can grow in! If
you have any other ideas like that please post them and we can get
going on them. Great to have you all on board!


Dec 11, 2010, 11:27:28 AM12/11/10
to SC NanoWrimo R+R
i can't see the post that where supposed to reply to sooooo:
i agree with rule number 1. and i can read a chapter a week i think.
uhh but since everybody's chapters are different uhm 5k-7k. i think i
can handle that. reading is much easier than writing :D hmm and i
guess if someone finished their load early they can request more work.
also where will we be making the critiques in another post or are we
going to be emailing the person?

On Dec 6, 8:04 pm, Celinda <> wrote:


Dec 11, 2010, 11:31:30 AM12/11/10
to SC NanoWrimo R+R
guh i replied too soon. i agree with all the rules so far. i
especially like number 3a. just ignore my other post ^-^;;
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