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Invite to the group Slack channel

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Josh L

May 18, 2024, 5:08:57 PM5/18/24
to Society for Conservation GIS - San Diego Chapter
Hey everyone, the Spatial Community has allowed us to create a group channel on their Slack platform. This should make communicating with each other much easier =)!

Slack can be downloaded onto your computer, mobile device, or opened in a browser.
Steps to join:
  1. Follow this link to request access to the Slack workspace (and create a Slack account if necessary):
  2. When you are granted access, open the app and type "scgis-sd" in the search bar at the top.
  3. Select the last result with a lock icon to open the channel.
  4. There should be an option to request access to this private channel. I'll approve you once I receive the request.
Let me know if you have trouble getting access to the Slack or channel. You can provide your email and I can add you manually.

Josh L

Josh L

May 19, 2024, 3:26:25 AM5/19/24
to Society for Conservation GIS - San Diego Chapter
After joining the Slack workspace, please join the open channel #scgis. I will then invite you to the private channel, #scgis-sd.
Sorry for the confusion.

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Josh L

May 19, 2024, 10:24:13 PM5/19/24
to Society for Conservation GIS - San Diego Chapter
Please ignore this post and join our WhatsApp group instead. Thank you.

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