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FW: NABA Spring Count date

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Lesley Handa

Mar 19, 2024, 3:57:15 PM3/19/24
to Society for Conservation GIS - San Diego Chapter

Hi Folks,

Some of you have expressed interest in participating in local butterfly surveys so please sign up if you are interested! Participation in these surveys is a great way to contribute to pollinator conservation in our region as the data is documented in inaturalist. I was lucky to participate last year on Hector’s team and I had a blast learning about butterflies (thanks Hector)!

Please contact Hector by tomorrow, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20th,  if you want to participate in the April 13th survey. Thank you!




Hello, Butterfly Counters,


We're gearing up for three butterfly counts in the next few months.

They are*:


  -April 13th, Hector (, North American Butterfly Association-San Diego

  -May 4th (tentative), Jonathan (, North American Butterfly Association-Hilltop Community Park

  -July 27th, Jill (; North American Butterfly Association-San Diego-Coast

You can find the above circles on this iNat page:

North American Butterfly Association surveys being conducted in Southern California. ************************************************ California iNat Butterflies:



If anyone is interested in joining my group, please contact me by 20 March so I can start forming teams.

If you are not interested in joining, simply do nothing and I will not contact you again.  Likewise, please contact

the other two lead-butterfly coordinators if you are interested in joining their groups.  You're welcome to

join one, two, or all three counts.  


If you are planning on joining my team, please let me know which area would like to do or if you would

like to stay in the same area as last year:


Anyone is welcome, so feel free to forward this e-mail to someone who may be interested.





Hector Valtierra,

Facebook:  Radio Wilderness

Instagram:  radiowilderness

iNaturalist:  Biohexx1



*pending good weather


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