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Tabling at the San Diego Environmental Film Festival

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Margaret Do

Oct 31, 2024, 2:41:35 AM10/31/24
to Society for Conservation GIS - San Diego Chapter
Hi everyone!

I'm also the Program Lead for the San Diego Environmental Film Festival (SDEFF) and we are gearing up for its 3rd season this November to create a unique film festival focused on sustainability, conservation, and biodiversity of our planet. There is a tabling opportunity at our Environmental Block Party during the All-Day Screening Event on Saturday, November 23rd from 3:10-5:30pm at Suraj Israni Center for Cinematic Arts, UC San Diego. Set-up would begin around 12:30pm and would need to be done by 3pm. Although the block party ends at 5:30pm, you are welcome to stay afterwards, but break down will need to be done by 8:30pm. 

As an environmental nonprofit, we recognize the importance of partnering with organizations that are environmentally minded and committed to fighting climate change not only within our community, but globally. The films that will be screened this year will leave audiences inspired to take action and we want to make sure that motivation doesn’t leave the theater! We want our attendees to get information on how they can act locally by volunteering for conservation efforts, learning about tools they can implement at home, or about environmental policy issues they can vote on!

Please let Kristina Mccowin know if you’re interested in tabling at the Saturday event so SCGIS can figure out logistics and confirm tabling reservation. Once confirmed, I will send out additional details about parking, location, and more. Let’s celebrate both PEOPLE and PLANET this November at SDEFF!

Thank you!;

Margaret Do

SDEFF Program Lead

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