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Isla Vista Juggler's Festival - April 21 - 23

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Matthew Thornley

Mar 26, 2023, 12:45:03 PM3/26/23
to SBJA (Google Groups)
Hi folks,

For those who have not seen the announcement for the Isla Vista Jugglers Festival, it is below.
Note that this weekend does NOT conflict with Earth Day in Santa Barbara. Earth Day is the following weekend.

The date for the 47th annual Isla Vista Jugglers' Festival is Friday, April 21st through Sunday, April 23rd, 2023.

For most of the festival we have the fabulous MAC gym on the UCSB campus, plus the Isla Vista Theater for the public show.
After the show we plan to juggle in People's Park, across the street from the theater. Bring your GLOW toys! Sorry, no fire is planned this year.

Please contact us if you are interested in hosting or participating in any particular activity, like a workshop or game.

Also, please forward this information to all your juggling friends.

More information can be found at the web page ...

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