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Jul 10, 2012, 6:44:37 PM7/10/12
I have read several of you have commented about not being used to using google groups.  I am right there with you, so if I post to the wrong places, I ask for patience.
I think we are up to six members now, which is easy to keep track of, but as we grow I would like to stay somewhat organized.
That said I am starting this thread to clear up and chronicle a brief description so we can keep track of everyone and their respective interests.  I have a eeling that some of us will be working together, and although I love the support forums, sometimes it is just noce to have a local person to get together with and "geek out" about uav /drone stuff. 
Please post the following information:
Location: try to be fairly specific ie NW San Antonio
Type of aircraft: Fixed wing/Multirotor/lighter than air/ etc.
                     Build details:
Control Systems Experience/description: Ie DJI wookong, APM2, Xbee 900mgz telemtry etc...
FPV equipment: Foxtech 5.8 Ghz vid tranmitter/standard reciever, headplay fpv goggles
Special notes, other details:
Anything else you guys can think of that might be interesting to the group...

Jul 10, 2012, 6:56:04 PM7/10/12

Name/handle:  Eric Gamble aka Ian forbes on DIY drones
Location: NW San Antonio
Type of aircraft: Multi rotor Y6 currently
Build details: CF frame, Flyduinao cheesplate centers.  20-22 kda motors (924 KVA) 6ooo ma btattery, 11 x 4.7 props, 3 color programmable LED lighting system in development
Control Systems Experience/description:  APM2, DIY drones OSD,  Xbee 900mgz telemtry, sonar and optical scan on its way...
FPV equipment: Foxtech 5.8 Ghz vid tranmitter/standard reciever, headplay fpv goggles
 Special notes, other details:  Building and researching drone aplications and aternative uses, including hybrid network drone sysems, S&R, crop analysis.  Working on some other projects I can't mention just yet...


Jul 10, 2012, 7:38:54 PM7/10/12
Name/handle: Rayrquest aka Jarrad Landry
Location: South Central San Antonio
Type of aircraft: Proteus by Scaled Composites
                       Alpha 40 - DSM2 - Trainer
Build details: Scratch Build
Control Systems Experience/description: Hoping to learn from you guys

Additional Notes:  The main focus is the power regenerative system.  The UAV portion of it is fascinating and would enjoy sharing some ideas and testing some alternative power designs.  I don't want to go in blind and spend a small fortune before I get the UAV system right.  I need advice.

Gentlemen, I have to admit that I am probably the furthest behind in development and experience.  However, I am enthusiastic and supportive to anything we can come up with... I'm already enjoying this Geek Mode...!!!  Finally..... no longer alone.

Myron Smoorenburg

Jul 10, 2012, 7:57:36 PM7/10/12
Not sure if this is going in the right place but here it goes..

screen name.. Myron...yep my real name..
Location.. Wimberley.. Not far from San Marcos

Mostly flying wings (our own design), Some twin boom stuff, tri's and many other planes.

Have had too many video systems to list, current is a Foxtech 5.8 that is on its way BACK to china!
I have flown Full auto stuff from TGE, Atto, and training on Robota and Cloud Cap is in the works. FPV stuff using Eagle tree as well as Xtend.. Currently flying with a Futaba 12MZ and 9c..

I have been on countless SAR missions with RP Search Services(I'm co-founder) We have 11 finds to our credit.  We have also flown many brush Fires in Central Texas... I have also had the misfortune to have to fly by instruments alone. 

Dont know if everyone got the links, so here ther are again if your interested..

RP Search services on Facebook


Jul 10, 2012, 8:17:20 PM7/10/12
EDITORS NOTE! I really need to proofread before I post...  My keyboard is toast from bits of solder falling into it, and I have yet to get a new one.  I promise I have at least an 8th grader's spelling and grammatical ability. HAHA! Someone out there just read this post and thinks I am a moron...

On Tuesday, July 10, 2012 5:44:37 PM UTC-5, wrote:
I have read several of you have commented about  being new to using google groups.  I am right there with you, So, if I post to the wrong places, I ask for patience.
I think we are up to six members now, which is easy to keep track of, but as we grow I would like to stay somewhat organized.
That said I am starting this thread to chronicle a brief description of our members so we can keep track of everyone and their respective interests.  I have a feeling that some of us will definately be working together, and although I love the support forums, sometimes it is just nice to have a local person to get together with and "geek out" about uav /drone stuff. 


Jul 10, 2012, 9:46:26 PM7/10/12
Guys... this google groups thing does need a little more organization.  After playing around with this system we could use a little more standardization in order to communicate... a few thoughts... :

First: We have 7 threads that appear to be threads created by our lack of understanding of how to effectively use this system. I created thread No. 6 without knowing if anyone got it or not. If you click "Post A Reply" type your response in the box where the system brings your cursor then delete the text below by which you are replying.  This will reduce confusion by eliminating extensive text.  If you have the email reception thing going, I am not sure how to respond via email or where the response will go if I click Reply.  Will it go to the individual or will it post to the group?

Second:  Would you agree that threads within this group should be allocated to various subjects regarding the various components/topics of our goals.  We currently have 7 threads that are, basically appearing to be our novice ability to communicate.

Third:  Shouldn't the main thread, established by Mr. Gamble be a hailing thread to each other, newcomers and general comms?

Fourth: Is it a good idea to title the sub-threads as subjects of the components of our systems?  Meaning, a thread for Comms, a thread for power, a thread for airframes, so on and so on... Heck, I'd really like a thread regarding anyone who has any current understanding of the FAA guidelines so we can let our machines off the chain.

If this appears to be too much I understand but, with my lack of knowledge of google groups I'm just trying to make sense of this forum so we can move forward.

Jul 10, 2012, 11:01:58 PM7/10/12
Wow, I was just getting ready to write up something similar, but you beat me to the punch... I agreewhole heartedly on the organizational aspects. As we get a bit more familiar with the organization of g groups, I think an outline of discussions would be great, but I don't want to get too fragmented. DIY seems to have for all their groups regressed into several key generic discussion forums.. Easier to scan and reoly to just a few groups... Especially since we seem to be flying different platforms...
BTW I tried to figure out how to turn off the auto qoute when reply, but no joy yet, your method of deleting the repost qoutes seems to work best for now..

Jul 10, 2012, 11:15:41 PM7/10/12
Myron:  I am on the board of the Heidi Search Center and have some interesting things happening on my end, as well as some ties to regional S&R groups... I have checked out the sites you posted, an I have a feeling you and I are going to be friends...  I would like very much to meet for lunch sometime...  I have some interesting build ideas I would like discuss with you. I would PM you, but well, I haven't figured out how yet.  I will call next few days and say hello...

Jul 10, 2012, 11:17:14 PM7/10/12

Hey your post is OT and should have been on main board... HAHAHA!

Message has been deleted

Myron Smoorenburg

Jul 11, 2012, 11:43:58 AM7/11/12
I think I'm gonna make this easy... What do you think about setting up an online forum?

Eric,  Would love to get together sometime... We have found 11 victims so far, most flying with Texas Equusearch..   We were on the Kaylee Anthony search and were on stand by to go to Aruba to look for Natalley Holloway...  We have been all over the US and to other countries as well...  I'm sure we have alot more in common than you think!.. my partner just published an E-Book about being the first in the US to deploy UAV's to aid in the search for missing persons...  Check out my Youtube page...  It has some news clips of some of our searches... As you may know, the FAA is having fits right now.. I tell you alot more over lunch or a beer!!! 

On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 10:29 PM, <> wrote:
Googe groups test ignore me...  Sorry guys trying to figure out layout...

Adam Durham

Jul 11, 2012, 1:27:23 PM7/11/12
Name/Handle: Adam Durham or AirIcarus everywhere else. 
Location: New Braunfels (but I am currently deployed to Afghanistan)
Experience: Gov Systems (Hunter MQ5B, ScanEagle, NightEagle, Aerosonde). Other than my work with the Gov, my experience with FPV is limited, and I would like to begin working on/with systems that I can fly Stateside.
FPV Equipment: Sadly, none. My work systems are pretty cool, but 'the man' does not let me take them home and play with them. I am looking to get into the sport and create a system that works. I spend most of my time overseas and I scratch building from out here would be too difficult (eg: no local hobby stores).

Jul 11, 2012, 1:50:16 PM7/11/12
I have to say we already have a really cool group of people- Outstanding!  I was starting to think there was no hope for my fellow Texans!
@ adam, if no one has said today, thank you for your service... I know back when I was in flight school we never said good luck, was a bad omen, so in that spirit *Crash and Burn Buddy!* :)


Jul 11, 2012, 4:45:05 PM7/11/12
Ok guys... I just purchased the ArduPilot Mega 2.0 Fully Assembled System, the 3DR Radio Telemetry Kit 915 Mhz and the ArduPilot Mega Minamal OSD.  So... what else am I missing?  I've been reading some of your post about "Goggles" is that for FPV?  and what do I need for that?  Would the Ardu Pilot Mega Minamal OSD be sufficient?

Jarrad Landry

Jul 11, 2012, 5:23:19 PM7/11/12

So if you reply via your email browser… where does it post?  TEST TEST TEST


Thank you.


Jarrad Landry - Landman

Cell: 985.397.2629


Whitmire Land Services

1335 3rd St.

Floresville, Texas 78114

Eric Gamble

Jul 11, 2012, 5:25:51 PM7/11/12


I think it posts at the bottom of that section

, but if you have any logos for signatures what does it do? 




Eric Gamble


DRIPSTAKES LOGO small                  NEW GET  LOGO small copy

         285 W. Quill, San Antonio, TX, 78228


Toll Free            877-286-9933

Office                         (210) 745-3126

Nursery Office         (210) 432-4265

Direct Mobile           (210) 389-2515

Fax                             (210) 434-4100




Jul 11, 2012, 5:33:40 PM7/11/12

On Tuesday, July 10, 2012 5:44:37 PM UTC-5, wrote:

Jul 11, 2012, 5:34:11 PM7/11/12
Oh wow thats messy as hell and includes all my other data too...
@Myron-- I am thinking lets blow this popsicle stand Set up a greeting page and redirect to a better forum format. I would be happy to help moderate and admin as a group founder.  aanyone else in favor? Not a democracy, but input is highly encouraged.  I think if we keep this format it will only hurt the group as it grows...

Jul 11, 2012, 5:40:37 PM7/11/12

@Ray, google "headplay goggles" as an example of FPV goggles. Or just google "FPV goggles"  Picture two small screens one in front of each eye, showing you what the camera sees. Imagine jordy from star trek... Get the idea (boy I am a geek, you know what I am talking about which makes you all geeks too HAH)). Some sets have gyros built that can turn the camera on board as you turn your head for a true submersion scenario...

Myron Smoorenburg

Jul 11, 2012, 10:39:42 PM7/11/12
I just set this up... easy and free!!!

Adam Durham

Jul 12, 2012, 4:02:55 AM7/12/12
Good idea guys. The current format would be problematic as the group grows. 

Anyone want to post another thread redirecting new members to the website? 

Adam Durham

Jul 12, 2012, 4:10:01 AM7/12/12
  How about placing a "Meet Up" topic under the "Other" category? 

  There are a few FPV/UAV boards out there and most of us would like to meet other individuals within out community. 


Myron Smoorenburg

Jul 12, 2012, 9:49:10 AM7/12/12

I can do that.  I just wanted to get something easy to navigate up quick..  keep the suggestions coming!

Eric Gamble

Jul 12, 2012, 12:59:30 PM7/12/12

@Myron—Nice!  It looks like a usable forum unlike this google group crap..

Question though…

What about the regional group?  I like the idea of a South Texas UAV support group, or SAT ATX group. Something about knowing that there are others like me here in Texas is comforting… UAV Addicts Anonymous Texas maybe?


Myron Smoorenburg

Jul 12, 2012, 9:12:48 PM7/12/12
yeah, I plann on adding different boards to this.. Not sure if I wanna do it per state or a goup of many states or even just braking down Texas into regions.. Open to suggestions.. Lets start posting over there so we dont have to decipher all the google group stuff.. Hopefully the link will get to everyone,,,  I'm going to send it out to my FPV contacts that may be interested...

Dec 22, 2012, 11:13:44 PM12/22/12
I just signed on, having found out about this group at DIYDrones. 
I live at Canyon Lake, Long tome RC'r and short Time FPV/UAV flyer.
I am fascinated by Flying FPV, but also interested in photography, video, and radio control
I have a DJI FW 450, set up for FPV, using a sony camera with a wide fog lens, transmitted back with a 5.8GKZ  Immersion video transmitter, and has a servo which lets me alter the viewing angle during flight. 

I have a EZOSD on board overrlaying to the video It also carries a GoPro for hi def recording, the Sony is only for flying FPV. I get about 10 minutes flight on a 5000 3s 40C battery pack. I also have a LED lighting system for night flying.  

I just within the last couple of days built and have been setting up a ArduCopter with the 2.5 APM, and 915 Mhz telemetery option, and a Sonar sensor for low altitude stabiity. I will be adding minumOSD, and a camera gimble, and probably lighting in it as well.
Ground side, for the FW-450 I have Fatshark goggles, a immersion UNO receiver attached to a LCD monitor and a DVR so I can view and record the OSD.
Then I have a foam Jet model (BAe Hawk) with a 5.8 ghz video system for FPV flying too, just for a simple relaxing diversion!

Anyway, glad to see this group of nearby geeks!

Richard Evans

Myron Smoorenburg

Dec 23, 2012, 11:35:02 AM12/23/12
Hey Richard,
   Glad to see you found us!  I am in Wimberley and we have a nice private ranch to fly at.  We dont do the formal club thing because of rules and politics.. I'm guessing that you fly at the Canyon Lake RC club?  If so, you prolly know all to well about the politics.  We also fly a large Govt. owned UA at our field in Wimberley so when we fly it, the field is restricted but that is usually only once every 6-8 weeks for a few days at a time...  I also organize a FPV fly in about once a quarter out here and we have a pretty decent size group of guys with some real pros flying.  I just got a new bird in the other day and I should also have an complete new eagletree system here by Xmas.  If you want to get together over the holidays and fly or at least check out our field, give me a call or email me...
Myron Smoorenburg
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