Birchip (Vic) HG tow comp

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Pebo Blank

Mar 2, 2023, 10:01:05 PM3/2/23
On at Easter as usual - "Flatter than the Flatlands" comp
(From Andy Schmidt on Facebook): 
"Entries are open for Birchip 2023 FTTF.
Dates are 7 - 10th April.
Be sure to enter early and often to increase you chance of winning.
Entry fee is $100. Bank details are on the entry confirmation email." 

Pebo Blank

Mar 11, 2023, 7:48:33 AM3/11/23
Peter Holloway (Vic HG instructor) has posted:- " For those pilots without a ground tow endorsement but still interested in going to the legendary Flatter than the Flatlands ground tow comp at Birchip VIC this easter, your prayers have been answered!!
Freedom airsports will be running a HG ground towing endorsement at Locksley, VIC on 18-19 March. All towing equipment and tows are provided. Cost is $350. Min supervised rating. Camping is available at the airfield. 25-26 March will be the alternate dates if weather is uncooperative. Contact Peter Holloway on 0409526805 asap to reserve a space.

Pebo Blank

Mar 18, 2023, 5:40:45 AM3/18/23
I just got an email from HG Comps about the Birchip FTTF comp - details below: 

Greetings from the committee at HG Comps.

This email is going out to past, present & future competitiors at the Birchip FTTF competition.

Have you found that since the start of Covid you are flying less than you used to?
Have you previously given up flying in order to focus on {insert excuse here}?
Is the thrill of flying across wide-open spaces becoming a distant memory that you fondly recall as you lie awake in bed at night?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then I have good news...HANG GLIDING STILL LOVES YOU AND WANTS YOU BACK!!  FTTF Entry Form

We get that it can be difficult finding the time to get out regularly on a weekend to get the airtime required to maintain or develop your flying skills.
Our proposition is to maximise the quality of the time you commit to flying at competitions. Then you can experience multiple consecutive days of flying with peer-to-peer learning opportunities.
The core purpose of HG Comps is to provide fun, family friendly competitions, creating a low stress, enjoyable environment to develop or maintain your flying skills.
Recently in January we ran our 3rd Corryong Cup HG Competition building on the success of the previous two years.
The next flying opportunity on the horizon is the 2023 Birchip Flatter Than The Flatlands.  

If you haven't been to the Birchip FTTF before here's what to expect:

  • The FTTF is held over the Easter long weekend (7th - 10th April),
  • It is a car towing competition, you will need to be car-tow endorsed and organise your own tow car, tow rope, tow gauge & tow bridles.  If your team does not have tow gear let us know, we may be able to help.  
  • The Birchip area has very large paddocks so there is aways somewhere safe to land nearby.  
  • There are usually also lots of mellow Autumn thermals around so you don't need to land before you're at goal.  
  • Daily morning briefing is at the Birchip Cropping Group (BCG) board room to distribute day prizes and discuss weather and task for the current day.  Family are welcome to attend and join-in.
  • Sunday morning briefing there will be chocolate eggs, bring your kids!
  • The Flying usually starts out in the tow paddock around 12-1pm.
  • Tasks vary with the conditions but are generally downwind and usually in the 40 - 80km range.
  • Most days will see you back in town in time for dinner at the pub.
  • The competition wraps-up with a BBQ, results and presentations on Monday night.

Whether you're new to hang gliding and looking to broaden your horizons, or an old hand looking to get 'back on the horse' don't spend Easter sitting at home dealing with your FOMO.
Get on the phone to some flying buddies, form a team and come to Birchip for a great long weekend.
Scoring will be done on airscore for the ladder points, then Wesley's handicap formula will be applied to determine the winners.
This year the winningest team award will be handicapped to favour teams with novice pilots.   FTTF Entry Form

2023 FTTF Pilot List
Hope to see you there to join in the flying fun !! 

Pebo Blank

Apr 8, 2023, 3:12:40 AM4/8/23
Quite a few SA pilots have made it over to Birchip (Vic) this year for the annual Easter tow comp there.  But, the weather hasn't been flyable yet - & the organisers have been holding "introduce a pilot" interviews - see the members group for a link to watch these on FB..



Pebo Blank

Apr 9, 2023, 8:06:23 PM4/9/23
There was actually a task held at Birchip yesterday (despite earlier bad weather forecasts etc).  It looks like it wasn't easy conditions- no one made goal (not even a certain R Holtkamp)  Results here 
Congrats to all "Team SA" pilots taking part..  I hope u get a better day today..

Pebo Blank

Apr 10, 2023, 6:29:50 AM4/10/23
Congrats to all the SA HG participants at Birchip FTTF comp - just finished.  In the end, only 2 tasks were flown - & conditions were far from ideal.   I think a special mention is due to Andrew Taylor - the highest-placed SA pilot - who finished in 2nd place overall on his Gecko - beating a certain Rohan Holtkamp who was flying a C$ (topless).  :-)  Results are here - 

Pebo Blank

Apr 10, 2023, 8:03:41 PM4/10/23
Not forgetting Neil H - who got a special day award for winning the floater class on Sunday - & finished in 5th place overall - in his first tow comp?   A pic of Neil with the other day/ class winners here - 

Well done also to Crossy in 4th overall - & all who took part. :-)

Richard Ytsma

Apr 10, 2023, 8:56:03 PM4/10/23
Congratulations everyone 

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Pebo Blank

Apr 12, 2023, 12:56:25 AM4/12/23
I've put links to the interviews at Birchip with various SA pilots on the SAHPGA member's Google Group (as much personal/ sensitive information was revealed in these interviews!).



Pebo Blank

Apr 13, 2023, 12:30:44 AM4/13/23
It was recently suggested to me (by the Vic organisers) that we could reinstate the SA/Vic Trophy at the Birchip comp.  This hasn't been contested for several years, but we (SA) have won it quite a few times.  See "Birchip Trophy" at  

I think that it should be reinstated and (AFAIK), we don't need equal numbers of pilots from each state in the comp to run it.  (I think it's scored on the top 4 pilots from each state or some such?)  

What do pilots who intend to go to Birchip next year think?  Who's in favour?  Anyone against?



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