Re: "Welcome to Runescape World, the largest and most active dedicated gaming discussion group"

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Joshua Smellie

Aug 31, 2008, 12:59:20 AM8/31/08
Where does it say it's the largest and most active? Also, this group isn't getting any activity anymore as GG went downhill long ago. It started off good but then it has glitches and it NEVER is updated. That and we lost over 1k members. Inactive of course.
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Joshua Smellie

Sep 1, 2008, 1:31:19 AM9/1/08
That's what I'm saying, THEY NEVER UPDATE ANY OF IT. No new features, no new looks, nothing.

As for glitches. A while back (mid-July, 2007) Google Groups screwed up and most of the members for RSW got deleted, I did for one. Only a few people didn't leave, Jake and Aj being apart of that group. But if you look at the members list (if you can) and sort it by the date they all joined, you'll see that the Joined Date (for people other than Jake/Aj) starts at Jul 29 2007.

And that's for: gwsm1992, yourself, J and yeah568. Then it goes on and a new bunch of people join every day after that (until some of the previous members were back on the list). For example, it says I joined July 31 2007. And I know I was a member way back in 2005, I believe you were as well.

That to me, is a glitch, it shouldn't have happened and it's something that usually annoys the hell out of people.

Joshua Smellie

Sep 1, 2008, 1:32:22 AM9/1/08
On another note, I don't know what to do about RSW in general. There is very little activity and a ton of people who are here don't play RS anymore. I for one, do not, I play WoW lol. You don't either.


Sep 2, 2008, 11:12:53 AM9/2/08
to Runescape World
It seems most of the people that post do not play anymore exept for a
few newer people, but in the same description as Vader was quoting
earlier it says that we are just a general gaming group.

Yeah for some reason GG flushed every user apart form owners. Before
that we had over 1200 members. My join date is wrong as well as I
joined in August/September 05.


Sep 6, 2008, 2:58:29 PM9/6/08
to Runescape World
Google groups is no longer a good place to have a community.

Joshua Smellie

Sep 7, 2008, 6:54:44 AM9/7/08
Yup, pretty much.
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Joshua Smellie

Sep 8, 2008, 12:05:18 PM9/8/08
We tried that. Twice even, didn't work. And like hell it'd work now when hardly anyone here even plays the game lol.
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Daniel Duende Carvalho

Sep 8, 2008, 9:33:39 PM9/8/08
I'm an active RS player. But I must confess there are some Orkut communities with 10x more activity than this GG one.

On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 10:22 PM, Lord Vader:: Official flamer of morons <> wrote:

So just make it a general computer forum with an emphasis on gamin :P

Daniel Duende Carvalho

Joshua Smellie

Sep 8, 2008, 11:48:44 PM9/8/08
Vader, I tried making a gaming forum. It didn't work, there are already a ton of gaming forums out there. So while I'd be happy to set up one, you'd have to be willing to help (since you obviously want it) and at least get members.

Making a forum/website is easy as screwing a tree. It's the advertisement that's the hard part.


Sep 9, 2008, 12:31:15 PM9/9/08
to Runescape World
one article I read about forum starting, the guy created a website
first advertising that he was going to set up a forum, and what it was
going to be about, so he had loads of interest and users who would be
active before he released the forum, and it meant he had instant
activity and users who loved it.

Joshua Smellie

Sep 9, 2008, 7:44:59 PM9/9/08
I did that with Glitches Exposed. In fact, I actually ASKED people if it would be a good idea (didn't tell them the full story of course, to protect my idea). People did actually think it was a decent idea, but nobody joined the forum anyway. In fact, I don't know if GAMERS even visit the site.

Because no one used the forum, I just removed it. No point in having it there if all the posts on it are updates. So why bother? Glitches Exposed still needs activity and I also need help with glitches (such as people submitting them) because I can't just go out and find glitches randomly.

Advertising is one of the hardest parts of website creation. If you cannot afford to pay for it (like myself) then you may be in trouble because it viral marketing isn't the easiest way to advertise, it requires patience and a lot of thought. I'm not great at advertising and marketing, I would much prefer to hire somebody who is (and trust me, if I ever get some money coming in through whatever means, I may just do that) and let them help me with it.

Like I said: Making a website is the easy part, advertising it is a whole new journey altogether. It's all about getting viewers and keeping those viewers.

Also, just a question to anyone that might know the answer: How much would it cost me to pay someone to develop a content management system for Glitches Exposed (a VERY simple one, one that gets the job done and does it right and still allows the site to look how it does) as well as pay someone to set up a membership area where viewers could register an account, login (obviously lol), set up their own profile (that would clearly be publicly available), submit content (news, glitches, media, etc) and some other stuff?

If anyone knows, please tell me. I might ask around on some other sites too... hm...
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Joshua Smellie

Sep 10, 2008, 9:49:58 AM9/10/08
I could spend weeks and possibly months hacking down what I know absolutely nothing about. But it's so much easier to either pay someone to do it or pay someone to teach me (why do I have a feeling the latter would be so much more expensive but more worthwhile lol).

To you it may not seem hard, you KNOW this stuff, I don't. I am not going to spend months upon months of trial and error to get a few new features when I could do that and learn PHP (now why don't I just do that lol).
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yigit polat

Sep 11, 2008, 11:18:07 AM9/11/08
Hey guys/girls i found a new rs fake...  With   Cheat Engine(last version) you can change evry value in rs with that!!!! (within money,exp,MAX HIT(to 999),game speed,items(for ex. 1 rune scimitar to 999.999.999 (999M) rune scimitar) AND YOUR MEMBERSHIP CREDIT!! ( 0 to
CONGRATS.. you are a RICH,PRO member in rs

2008/9/10 Lord Vader:: Official flamer of morons <>

Then I'll do it for a fee :P

And the "pay someone to teach me" is called taking a course :P
You should be able to get one at a local college, or just "find" the
CBT video course on PHP


Sep 11, 2008, 5:02:39 PM9/11/08
to Runescape World
LOL, Cheat Engine is SOOO boring... The few things it CAN do to RS are
NOT permanent... Duh lol.....
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Joshua Smellie

Sep 11, 2008, 10:43:59 PM9/11/08
Cheat Engine does work for certain games, but note that most of those games are flash (DragonFable/Adventure Quest can be "hacked" using Cheat Engine, because it's flash). Because that's where it only really excels in. Besides, what do you accomplish by cheating in a GAME?


Oct 21, 2008, 1:06:11 PM10/21/08
to Runescape World
Nothing. In the end if you can do, that gaurentees others will, so you
won`t be the only rich guy.
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