View this page "Who are those lvl 3 wood cutters?"

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Ali Founder of BDS

Sep 3, 2008, 5:18:37 PM9/3/08
to Runescape World

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Taylor Loosli

Sep 3, 2008, 6:05:35 PM9/3/08
No, no we don't have to report that anymore, because it doesn't happen
because of trade limit. That's the main reason they made the trade limit. So
those freaking autoers ruined making big money on runescape.....

From: "Ali Founder of BDS" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 3:18 PM
To: "Runescape World" <>
Subject: View this page "Who are those lvl 3 wood cutters?"


Sep 12, 2008, 10:10:09 AM9/12/08
to Runescape World
well i have a lvl 3 with 52 wood cuutting

On Sep 3, 3:05 pm, "Taylor Loosli" <> wrote:
> No, no we don't have to report that anymore, because it doesn't happen
> because of trade limit. That's the main reason they made the trade limit. So
> those freaking autoers ruined making big money on runescape.....
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Ali Founder of BDS" <>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 3:18 PM
> To: "Runescape World" <>
> Subject: View this page "Who are those lvl 3 wood cutters?"
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Joshua Smellie

Sep 12, 2008, 1:27:45 PM9/12/08
Lol, autoers never ruined RuneScape. It's the botters who make up MMOs, they make the games economy. Because they're so apart of MMOs now to remove them entirely may start off good but people WILL feel BAD repercussions. The economy of the games market would just collapse entirely.

With RS, that ain't a problem, because now Jagex dictate everything. But with other games like Age of Conan or World of Warcraft, that is a problem. The only reason I hate autoers is because they're making money off cheating and the people who do farm their gold legit (which a lot do now) class themselves a pro gamers. No, you're HARDCORE gamers you are NOT professional gamers.

If all it takes to become a pro gamer is sit on my ass all day playing WoW and getting paid a few bucks for it then sweet, ANYONE could do that. But to me, a professional gamer is something who is the top of their league. They are a good gamer, they don't have to play games for 12 hours a day and they don't have to be good at every genre, but they're excellent and competitive at their fave genre (where that be MMO, RPG, FPS, Action/Adventure, etc).
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