A new version of R/qtl (1.42-7) has been released at its website (
http://www.rqtl.org) and will be on CRAN shortly.
The big change: I removed the functions plot.errorlod, plot.geno,
plot.info, plot.missing, plot.pheno, plot.pxg, and plot.rf. Changes in the process of submitting packages to CRAN have made this necessary. Each of the packages has alternative names that have been used in the tutorials for some years:
plot.errorlod plotErrorlod
plot.geno plotGeno
plot.missing plotMissing
plot.pheno plotPheno
plot.pxg plotPXG
plot.rf plotRF
If you have old scripts that use the old function names, add the following code at the top:
I also fixed some bugs in refineqtl() and stepwiseqtl() regarding model="binary" and the case of NA LOD scores.
Karl Broman