Migration to .NET Standard

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Nicolas Lacombe

Sep 1, 2019, 6:54:45 AM9/1/19
to Rhino.Mocks
The organization I work for is using RhinoMocks for most of its unit testing.
Some of our devs (including me) wants to start looking into migrating our codebase to .Net Stadnard and .Net Core so that we can run it on linux so that we can run it on docker.

To be able to run our current unit tests during this migration to validate that everything was migrated properly, it would be nice to have a version of RhinoMocks that works on .Net Standard.
That way we could run our unit tests with minimal modifications instead of having to migrate out of RhinoMocks first.

I am going to look into what code changes could port RhinoMocks to .Net Standard, but it would be nice to have someone more familiar with the RhinoMocks code work on it as well (a dev that work on RhinoMocks would be ideal).
If you are interested in porting RhinoMocks to .Net Standard please write here or contact nicolas...@marinepress.com.

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