RV Live Chat Mon 9:30pm & Wed 8:00am

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Nov 12, 2007, 12:57:57 PM11/12/07
to Remote Viewing
Hi everyone,

TKR finally got its 24/7 live chat room opened.
We haven't redesigned the flash yet, so the sounds/emoticons are so
nerdy! haha!
It's just embarrassing! -- but we'll live.

Our first 'live' chat officially is tonight:



The next one, for those on a different timezone, is


The chats are open and unmoderated.

We also have planned INTERVIEWS coming up, with some very cool viewers
and scientists, moderated chats inside TKR at the Dojo Psi where
anybody can come in and ask a question of the guest. Stay tuned!


** Ten Thousand Roads (aka "TKR") Remote Viewing and Dowsing Project
Project Home: http://www.tenthousandroads.com
TKR at the Dojo Psi -- hands-on Viewing!: http://www.dojopsi.com/tkr/
RVwebChat (@DP): http://www.dojopsi.com/chat/
RVwebForum: http://www.tenthousandroads.com/wbbs/
The Dojo Psi blog: http://blog.dojopsi.com
TKR's Remote Viewing Email on Google: http://groups.google.com/group/Remote-Viewing/
TKR's Remote Viewing Email on Yahoo: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/remote-viewing/

Jag J

Dec 18, 2007, 7:26:17 PM12/18/07
to Remote Viewing
Hi Everybody,

I am new to this group. I am interested in learning the art and
science of remote viewing. Is it possible to win the lotto with remote
viewing? They say that it is hard to read numbers or print script, but
it sounds like one needs to better control one's focus when going into
the ether in order to view the outcome of events yet to come, or
things that are going on elsewhere.

I heard Russell Targ on Coast to Coast the other night. It was pretty

What is the key to RV and how does it work with dowsing?

I have some intuitive capabilites that lie in th realm of certain
types of channeling, empathy and sometimes prophecy, that is just
knowing the answer because it just comes to me. I also sometimes have
intuitive dreams. I don't have a lot of control over this information
when it comes and at times it seems to be pretty "random." I am sure
that there is some reason behind the ways that I get psychic
information, but I just have not figured it out yet.

Also, I think that if I can see what will happen, I can guage the best
outcome for the situation, and this can possible save a lot of time
and money. RV can be very useful.


Jag J
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