Publishing pages without publishing the linked assets / documents

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Aug 15, 2018, 1:50:52 PM8/15/18
to RedDot CMS Users
I’m wondering if there’s a way to publish pages without publishing the associated documents. 

Here's what i'm trying to do. I have the below structure: 
parent page
              |_ child page 2
              |_ child page 3
              |_ child page 4
              |_ child page 5 

"parent page" and "child page" have different content classess. both have elements hdl_headline and img_document.

Content class template for "parent page" is like so: 


<%hdl_headline%> , <%img_document%>


I’m publishing "parent page" (unchecked publish follwing & related pages option) to which a bunch of child pages are linked. A document is linked to img_document element of Child pages.

It works as expected (published parent page has title of all child pages and path to the doc linked to img_document element on each child page). 

But I do NOT want to publish all the documents that are linked to the child pages via <%img_document%> when I publish "parent page" 

Is this possible? 

Thanks, Boby

Gavin Cope

Aug 15, 2018, 6:58:31 PM8/15/18
to RedDot CMS Users
Hi Boby,

So if I'm understanding correctly, you want to publish the list of page headlines and the page images but NOT the media files that are connected to the child pages?

I'm just thinking out loud here but could you try wrapping the media file links in the child pages, within some render tag code like this?
<query valuea="Context:CurrentRenderMode" operator="!=" valueb="Int:2">
<htmltext>Your media file links here</htmltext>

Another approach might be to drop your Image Placholder in the parent page within the same render tag and then use an Attribute Placeholder to pull the Image Placeholder file name.

I haven't tried either of these but they might be worth a try.



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Gavin Cope
Mob: +61 407 763 110
"It's not denial. I'm just very selective about the reality I accept." - Calvin


Aug 16, 2018, 10:14:21 AM8/16/18
to RedDot CMS Users
Hi Gavin, thanks for your response. 
That's correct, I want only the child pages' headline and the filename of the media item linked to the child page to appear in the parent page when it's published; do not want the media files themselves to be published when I publish the parent page (but i want them to be published when the child page is published - for which i have other publishing tasks). I'm basically trying to generate a list of media wrappers and the media files that are link to them. 

I didn't quite get how the render tangs would help, as our logic basically says if we are not in  publishing mode, output media links - which means this will not be published right? 

And I'm not sure if I understood option 2 correctly - but I have created a media element in the parent page (img_document) for the purpose of pulling the info from the img_document element that's also in the child page. and that's the element I'm referring to in the parent page template. 

Regards, Boby
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