Whole Reality in Our Body

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Oct 17, 2011, 8:41:47 PM10/17/11
to Realit...@googlegroups.com
Whole Reality in Our Body:

'Your clever body: Thinking from head to toe', 

a preview of the full article:


""   TAKE a minute out of the hustle and bustle of your busy life and sit very still. Now, place your hands on the arms of the chair or the desk in front of you, and try to focus your attention on counting your heartbeats. Can you feel a throbbing drum roll, a slight murmur or nothing at all? How does your bladder feel - is it empty or will you need to dash for the bathroom within the next half hour? You may be surprised to learn that these bodily sensations are helping you think.

We tend to view the mind as an aloof, disembodied entity but it is becoming increasingly clear that the whole body is involved in the thinking process. Without input from your body, your mind would be unable to generate a sense of self or process emotions properly. Your body even plays a role in thinking    ""

And, incrediblly Zen Buddhism, according to 淨空法師, Master Chin Kung, for example, from his talk about "修華嚴奧旨妄盡還源觀", about the study of the original Buddah's whole work, "華嚴", our body is the whole universe, the whole reality:
"   《華嚴經》的原本只有一種,但分量很大。印度人計算篇幅的大小,是以偈頌為單位,說一偈或一頌是同樣的意思,都以四句為一單位。不論是偈頌、長行或密咒,也以四句為一單位;一單位裡,字數並不相等。《華嚴經》總共有十萬頌,也就是四十萬句,可見其分量之大。分量多就容易散失,所以《華嚴經》傳入中國時,就是一個殘缺本。




(節錄自 1998/12/2 早餐開示【20-13-1202】)   "
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