Ultimate Reality

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Mar 30, 2012, 8:23:28 PM3/30/12
to Realit...@googlegroups.com
What is the Ultimate Reality?
Biologist R. Dawkins and Cosmologist S. Hawking have expressed Atheist views, but have failed to understand the difference of a measurable physical universe to that of a spiritual existance, thus they are incommensurable,>>> Definition: Incommensurable, not commensurable; having no common basis, m...[more] Biologist R. Dawkins and Cosmologist S. Hawking have expressed Atheist views, but
have failed to understand the difference of a measurable physical universe to that of
a spiritual existance, thus they are incommensurable,>>> Definition: Incommensurable, not commensurable; having no common basis, measure, or standard of comparison.
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  • @ Pavan: Your statement of not getting on any side seems contradictory because you take a reductionist point of view. Einstein believed "in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the harmony of all that exist, not in a God who concerns himself with the fate and actions of men." Here we are talking...[more] @ Pavan: Your statement of not getting on any side seems contradictory because you take a reductionist point of view. Einstein believed "in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the harmony of all that exist, not in a God who concerns himself with the fate and actions of men." Here we are talking about the whole universe and any harmony
    in a Black Hole or exploding Stars that make heavy elements such as carbon (C). A dynamic universe but to say it
    has harmony is not the only thing that it has. Einstein could say that he does not know but not say that there is no life after a physical death for the soul. Tangible and intangible mediums of existance, is accurate. We have theories of wormholes but no sensors to detect them, however may see the effect but not the cause.
    likes this · Like · 8 hours ago
  • What is "Philosophy:? It is fundamentally self-contradicting to say there are "incommensurable" "Physical Philosophy" and "Spiritual Philosophy". If you like, we could substitute "Philosophy" with "God"? Arn't we looking and searching for the ultimate "truth" or "reality"?
  •   From the view point of Zen Buddhism (Sorry, but there isn't any traces of discussion of "God" there.) or Zen Philosophy, as I understand them, there is such reality, therefore I exist and feel and know, and that's all truly sure for me, and all are real from that.

      Ron Walker

      Mar 31, 2012, 8:06:56 AM3/31/12
      to realit...@googlegroups.com
      Western "philosophy", for much of the last 1,000 years has been mainly about theorlogy, since the Heirarchy of Christianity "doesn't play well with other children", and tends to set people on fire who don't conform to their blinkered view of how things are. However - for some reason long forgotten - the "Lisbon Earthquake" changed things substantially. Before it happened,the gebneral consensus was that God micro-managed the universe on a second-by-second basis. No room for cause and effect: stuff happened because THAT'S WHAT GOD WANTED to happen. EVERYTHING that happened, big or small was "an act of God". The Earthquake that hit Lisbon (and much of the Portugues coast) happened on all saints day, when the churches were full... and collapsed upon the Godly, whereas the UN-godly, who'd spent the day in the tavern, or maybe just in bed walked away unscathed. A paradox for the catholic church: God's micromanagement had caused the mass murfder of millions of good Catholics, and had done such massive collateral damage that Portugal's role as a world power was terminated. Either God was a dangerous madman... OR he didn't micromanage reality.on a second-by-second basis. Maybe he'd created something like a pocket watch, wound it up, and left it ticking....In which case, investigating how the "watch" worked - what rules it conformed to - was acceptable behaviour. And - interestingly - maybe EVERYTHING WAS KNOWABLE!!!! Philosophy changed that day.
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