RTI on iPad

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Jan 4, 2012, 8:51:50 AM1/4/12
to RTI_help
Has anybody yet found a way to display RTI files on an iPad?
It would seem like the ultimate display platform for such material,
yet the iPad does not, to the best of my knowledge support Java
One can of course screen record an RTI and display the video file, but
thats not the same thing.
All ideas would be welcome

Moshe Caine
Head of Interactive Communications
Department of Photographic Communication
Hadassah College Jerusalem
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Earl G.P.

Jan 9, 2013, 4:13:22 AM1/9/13
to <rti_help@googlegroups.com>, rti_...@googlegroups.com
We also have a research application in at the moment that if successful would fund and make freely available viewers (software and source code) for tablets and smartphones. We will find out in the coming weeks.

I was interested to see George's post about the objective C app which is very exciting, and there is also at least one android app that I know of, and I am sure that as a community we can move forward really quickly.

All the best. Graeme Earl

On 9 Jan 2013, at 09:00, "Taylor" <taylorb...@gmail.com<mailto:taylorb...@gmail.com>> wrote:

I've read of one being developed, here:
Group website is: https://sites.google.com/site/buildrtis/
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RTI Group Admin

Jan 9, 2013, 5:35:30 AM1/9/13
to rti_...@googlegroups.com
Hi all,
In this thread a member inadvertently sent a link to a site that has a known malware alert. Until the seriousness of the malware threat has been sorted out we've deleted that post and a follow up post pointing out the issue. We recommend members avoid the site referred to in the post until the owners (who are aware of the problem) can correct whatever issues there are.

FYI the site in question is the Forum of the Cultural Heritage Imaging. The link sent out in the previous post contains the following text "forums.culturalheritageimaging.org/" (Note: this is a non-functioning version of the link).

We also apologize for letting this post slip through our message moderation process.
Dennis Piechota and Kathryn Piquette
RTI_help Admin


Jan 9, 2013, 12:45:01 PM1/9/13
to rti_...@googlegroups.com
I apologize for the link.  I was aware that CHI was having trouble with a redirect at their forum site, but I thought it had been fixed.  Their site was working normally yesterday, but now I see that the malware alert has returned.  Please note that the link still appears below Graeme's reply to my message, and avoid using the link to CHI's forum until it gets fixed.  I wish CHI good luck in getting it sorted out. 

Taylor Bennett
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