RSCG Update

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Justin Etheredge

Aug 5, 2014, 9:45:48 AM8/5/14
Hello everyone,

I know that many of you were sad to see RSCG take a break, but I think you'll be happy to know that it is being resurrected in a slightly different form. The local Ruby group (CVREG) is looking to rebrand into a group that supports a wider array of languages and interests (this has not happened yet, but will soon). They are experimenting with an alternating presentation/discussion format, similar to what we were going for with RSCG.

I am helping facilitate the first meeting, which is coming up on August 12th. The first topic is going to be "Developer Interviews - How do developers identify good developers?" You can find more details at the link below:

It would be awesome if some of you could make it out for this meeting!

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