About Thursday's meeting...

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Justin Etheredge

Jan 27, 2014, 2:48:24 PM1/27/14
to RS...@googlegroups.com
Hello everyone,

I was hoping to get this email out before anyone inquired about this month's meeting, but that obviously didn't happen. This Thursday should be our first meeting of 2014, but I have decided not to hold the meeting.

RSCG has been going on for a little over 5 years now, and in that time we have had a lot of good discussions and a ton of good laughs. Over the last 6 months or so the attendance at the meetings has been relatively weak, and I know it is because I have not been putting in the time that I need in order to prepare for the meeting, have good topics proposed, drive discussions, line up folks with content, etc... All of the things required to really get people excited about the meetings. I have been putting in a half-hearted effort, and because of that RSCG is flailing. It pains me to see RSCG limp along like this.

I felt like we were at this same spot exactly three years ago, and I put out a call for help from the community to bring more content to the meetings. There was a great response and RSCG ran strong for the next two years. At this point, I'm not putting out a call for content, I'm looking for someone to (in the short term) completely take over the meetings and try to breathe some new life into the group. Over the long term I want a partner (or several) who are as invested in the group as I am, and can help drive discussions, content, find presenters, etc...

Do you want to take over RSCG? 

I need a break for a bit, and if no one steps up, then I think that this will probably be the end of RSCG. I'd certainly be sad to see it go, but RSCG was founded because we felt like there was a lack of groups in Richmond which really catered to experienced software developers and the topics that were interesting to us. In the intervening years a number of great groups have popped up covering a wide variety of topics. I would recommend checking out some of these new groups like RVA Data Hackers (http://www.meetup.com/RVA-Data-Hackers/), RVA.js (http://www.meetup.com/rva-js/), and Richmond MongoDB user group (http://www.meetup.com/Richmond-MongoDB-User-Group/).

Thanks again everyone for all of the great meetings we have had over the last 5 years. I hope to see you all at a future RSCG meeting.


Al Tenhundfeld

Jan 29, 2014, 2:42:31 PM1/29/14
to rscg
I would be sad to see RSCG dissolve. That said, every community group has its lifespan, and it might be time to let RSCG go. As Justin said, the user group landscape has changed dramatically since RSCG started.

I used to drive over from Charlottesville almost every month, because this group let me have discussions I couldn't have anywhere else. Now Charlottesville has so many good groups (CVJS, Data Science Group, beCraft, First Wednesdays, etc.) that I don't even have time to attend what I want to here. Richmond's scene has exploded even more. 

Regardless of where RSCG goes from here, I want to wholeheartedly thank Justin (and Harper and old man Hazzard) for the many great discussions and all the times I left a meeting excited about some new concept/technology they introduced me to.


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Kevin Hazzard

Jan 29, 2014, 4:07:39 PM1/29/14
Old man Hazzard? Hey, I resemble that remark!

I haven't been involved in quite some time since I got elected to my local School Board. Now I'm the Chairman of the Maggie Walker Governor's School Board for the next couple of years so I'll be even busier.

I'd like to help keep RSCG going but I just don't have the time. Honestly, if I did have time, I'd probably be investing in RVA.js since JavaScript is the only programming language that will survive this century.

If anyone wants to take over RSCG and take it in a new direction, that would be great, IMO.


Peter Fries

Jan 29, 2014, 7:21:54 PM1/29/14
to RS...@googlegroups.com

RSCG has been an awesome user group. I hear Al, but I'll be sorry if no one is able to take over for Justin. And frankly, there isn't another group like RSCG in Richmond. I've made great friends and professional relationships through RSCG and learned a lot of cool stuff. Justin has done a phenomenal job making this group my favorite evening of the month for years. Thanks, Justin! The camaraderie of RSCG was a big inspiration for me with Data Hackers. It can be a bit of work but if you're into it, I can attest that managing a user group is an excellent way to meet cool people and raise your profile in the community. - - Peter


Harper Trow

Jan 30, 2014, 11:40:12 AM1/30/14
to RS...@googlegroups.com
It would be sad to see RSCG go - I hope somebody has the time to adopt it and keep it going.  Over the years, it has been the one group where I always knew there would be a great group of people and interesting conversation.  How many other groups have after-meeting meetings in the parking lot because the conversation is just too good to leave?

Big thanks to Justin for creating and running such a vibrant group for so long!

Harper Trow

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