News Letter

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Nov 13, 2016, 10:41:34 AM11/13/16
    As I sit here this morning writing these words to you all, I’m looking out our back door and I see what I think is our first hard frost of the year. The lawn is white and the leaves are falling at a rapid pace. It tells me we have reached the ending months of another flying season at RDRC and fly in’s around the state will be ending this month.  Foe me it was a good season as it is the first in a while I was able to get out and enjoy myself without health restrictions or family matters that have surrounded our family for the last couple of years. I was able to get out on the road again and attend jets meets, giant scale events, and even got in a war bird fly in a couple of weeks ago. All that is left now are a war bird meet and a big get together in Greenville this month. I’m reminded this month that this hobby is indeed a privilege. I have gained so many friends and experienced countless times I was able to be a part of something amazing. Many of us drove down to Victory Junction Camp this past Friday where we were treated to a back stage tour of the facility showing us what it really takes to make this place function. What an amazing group of volunteers and workers! We were very honored to present them with a check for $14,000.00 that they can use to send many kids to camp in the coming months. We were reminded again that we are listed as their biggest non corporate contributor of donations. That in itself is quite a statement. Many of us are so very proud and honored to be a part of that accomplishment. It was FFT’s 25th anniversary this year. Who knew it would have lasted this long? I’m sure there will be many pictures in the newsletter this month showing some of the sights we were shown. And I want to thank those who attended to do the presentation. In all I think we had 12 or so. God bless you all for making FFT happen these past years…….
   Naturally, being so close to Anderson RC, it was only fitting that most (practically ALL) of those that went to VJC loaded back up in their cars and headed over to Matts hobby shop. As always, the RDRC crowd made a load entrance into the store, and Matt was quick to greet us all with jokes and smiles. Pretty much everyone loaded their arms up with goodies for winter projects, and Josh Bunn was very successful in getting me to part with money I needed to keep! Don’t ever stand beside Josh when there is a stack of DLE motors! His challenges that his Zero is going to whoop up on the FW might have nudged me a bit to. But, I guess my new FW 190 project does need something to haul it through the air. I could probably squeeze a big block Chevy engine into a VW beetle easier than I’ll get this DLE into the FW, but it’ll work out. Alter a long stay at Anderson RC our gang all loaded up and headed home. It was a good day,,,,
  As most of you know, we have a club meeting set for this Wednesday. There will be lots of business to discuss.  Unfortunately I will be required to conduct business on several matters that will surely bring tempers and opinions to undesired levels.  Thankfully, all of our meetings have been extremely civil the last 23 months. I and the officers of RDRC truly appreciate all of you efforts to keep things that way. We have all as a group accomplished many good things for RDRC. But there comes times with any setting that unfortunate matters occur, or ideas, actions or opinions of some rise to the point they simply must be addressed for the good of the club. We have two cases this month, and additionally have to make a decision as a group on another matter that will have a big effect on the club as well. Without addressing those matters here in our newsletter, I will simply say it is very important that our members make the effort to attend our meeting this month. We are 140 members strong, and we want to be assured that decisions being made best serve our club as a whole. But it is also the right and responsibility of our members to attend meetings to see and understand the topics we deal with on a monthly basis. Although this month’s meeting has all the material needed to be unhealthy, we will remain civil, fair, and all sides will be heard. I guess I may have some of you wondering now huh?  Well, come on out Wednesday and be a part of something important. ;)
   There is also another topic that will be addressed this month that will greatly affect our club. As many of you know, we have re-engaged the movement to improve our shelter area. This started out as a simple addition to our existing shelter, but has quickly become a very big project.  There will be examples given and proposals made for up to three different ideas, as well as the affects it will have on RDRC financially and logistically. Of the three, we will compare building a new shelter where our existing shelter is now and slide the building back to the rear. Building a new shelter beside the existing one and tearing the old one down, then moving the shed and all electrical supply to that location, or building the shelter approximately 100 feet to the south end, move all electrical supplies, and relocated charge tables in the pit area, and tearing down the old shelter. There are many labor task and cost to factor in with all of these suggestions, and we must decide as a club what will best serve RDRC and its future activities. Again, I ask that all of you make an effort to attend, as we should every month.  ;)
Ending on a positive note, I would like to extend a big congratulations out to Alex Fredrickson for his big win!  If you haven’t heard yet, Alex competed and WON the Basic Class level at the South East Regionals IMAC held in Glen Saint Mary Fla.  Alex has worked very hard the last couple of years and has certainly earned his place in the world of competition. Way to go Big Man!!!!!!!!!!
   In closing, I want to say it has been great flying with you all these past years. It was a great 2016 season and I’m grateful to have been a part of your club. If I do not see you before the seasons end, or at the annual Christmas party December 16th, I wish all of you a very happy holiday season and hope you all enjoy many more years of this wonderful hobby.
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