Ana Carolina Bonfim,
Thank you very much for the provided solution. However, I still got NA monthly values when i ran the calibration monthly using 'userReadSwatOutput'.
I'm trying to extract the monthly outflow from subbasin 11 (output.rch), and the simulated discharge is located in column 7.
Please take a look at my file below! I would appreciate your help!
Thank you!
#' User-defined function for reading SWAT/SWAT+
#' @description
#' This is a user-defined function for reading SWAT/SWAt+ outputs, do not use
#' as it is now, please modify the source code of this function if you use
#' according to your need and then install RSWAT app again from your local
#' folder to update this function.DO NOT CHANGE the name of this function
#' (mus be updateUserReadSwatOutput). ONLY CHANGE the code at the place where indicates
#' "START TO CHANGE FROM HERE" and STOP at "END OF CHANGE". This functions
#' must NOT receive any input. By default, you are NOW INSIDE the TxtInOut folder
#' and you can read any output files there by just using the file name.
#' RSWAT will use this function to get SWAT outputs (from the respective core)
#' after each model run and save it in combination with other outputs.
#' Please TEST your function before running R-SWAT
#' @return a list of vector (of simulated data)
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
#' @export
updateUserReadSwatOutput <- function(){
output <- list()
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# Delete the existing code below and add your code below this line #
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# Example: This function extracts data in the 7th column of the file output.rch
# and aggregate to monthly
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
date <- seq(from = as.Date("1998-01-01", "%Y-%m-%d"),
to = as.Date("2012-12-31", "%Y-%m-%d"),
by = 1)
year <- as.numeric(format(date, "%Y"))
month <- as.numeric(format(date, "%m"))
# Reach number to extract
reach <- 11
column <- 7
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Read all data from output.rch
output_rch<- read.table("output.rch", header = FALSE, sep = "", skip = 9)
# Subset only selected colum and reach
output_rch <- output_rch[output_rch[,2] == reach ,column]
# Aggregate to monthly
dataFrame <- data.frame(month = month,
year = year,
data = output_rch)
# Aggreate by sum or mean
dataFrameMonthly <- aggregate(.~ month + year, dataFrame, FUN = sum)
# Only get the values of aggregated data
output[[1]] <- dataFrameMonthly$data
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# END OF CHANGE: Don't modify anything after this line
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Overwrite the userReadSwatOutput with our updateUserReadSwatOutput
environment(updateUserReadSwatOutput) <- asNamespace('RSWAT')
assignInNamespace("userReadSwatOutput", updateUserReadSwatOutput, ns = "RSWAT")