Queen City Wheels

Contact owners and managers
1–30 of 2303

This is our primary method for communicating with ALL QCW members. Meeting notices, upcoming events and event cancellations are the primary topics for this group.

The number of emails associated with this group is minimal, 1 per week on average. You can adjust your personal settings to receive each email or only a daily summary  of current messages.


Thank you for your support of the Queen City Wheels.



1. This forum is open to anyone interested in communicating with the Cincinnati bicycle racing community, membership in QCW is encouraged, but not required.

2. This forum is NOT intended to be a high traffic network, group discussions are discouraged.

3. Please avoid replying to the entire group when replying to a particular individual.

4. No criticism or personal attacks of others, and no use of profanity.



1. Any QCW information

2. Local race event announcements, QCW or others

3. Cancelation or critical announcements concerning ANY race event

4. Requests for local cycling related information



1. Issues impacting local cycling

2. Training rides

3. Occasional sale of used cycling related items



1. Retail promotions

2. Promotion of anything conflicting with QCW sponsors

3. Any topic deemed controversial by the QCW board of directors