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Project Renaissance: Mini Career Guidance Seminar for O/L Students - 07/12/2010 - Mohammed Mafaz

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Abbas Ramzy

Dec 9, 2010, 12:47:04 AM12/9/10


Mohammed Mafaz
Sent: Tuesday, 07 December, 2010 10:06 PM


Considering the welfare of the O/L students, and in a motive for making their post exam period a fruitful one, the Past Pupils Association organized a short seminar at the college Cader hall today. Around 120 students and a few parents took part in this seminar. School principal Mr. Alhaj S.M.M.Anwer delivered the welcome address and briefed the importance of the post exam period.




Bro. Mafaz from the PPA conducted a short discussion on "how to get prepared and confident for the exam in the remaining few days?" Personal thoughts and ideas on dealing with question papers, behavioral aspects inside and out of the hall were also discussed. Motivational thoughts, ethical behavior (in and out of school life and how they affect the society in general) and personality building aspects were briefed shortly with life time examples.

Finally adding to the speech of Mr. Anwer the need and importance of developing ones capabilities during the post O/L exam period was stressed.



A prominent figure who is well renowned for promoting tertiary education in Puttalam, Br. Nafeel shared a few thoughts of his with regard to technical subjects available after O/L and many more other courses to make lives busy.


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At the end, handbills and leaflets of the various education institutes of Puttalam, collected by the PPA, were distributed to the parents and students.


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A special thanks goes to the following people who helped in making this program possible:

  • The Principal and School Management
  • The PPA Committee
  • Mr. Nafeel (OPED)
  • Directors of the following institutes:
    • Evergreen Learning Solutions
    • Evergreen College
    • CBS
    • Greenwich College
    • E-College


Kind Regards,

S. M. Mohammed Mafaz,


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