Rendering table data with max cells per row

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Feb 4, 2014, 6:36:38 AM2/4/14
to, Alistair Wright
Hi there,

I'm currently trying to build quite a specific table layout where there aren't actual column headers per se. I just want to display data as 6 cells per row. So when populating the data, the loop would count to 6 then start a new row, and then populate the next 6 cells, and so on. If the last row only has say 3 cells of data, it would still display 6, but the last 3 would be empty (well maybe containing a non-breaking space).

So far I've had to be quite specific which doesn't give a great deal of flexibility when generating the JSON data...

The HTML table:

<table class="orderdetails">
      <th colspan="6">
          <div class="minV"></div><div class="ordertype"></div>
      <td class="cell1"></td>
      <td class="cell2"></td>
      <td class="cell3"></td>
      <td class="cell4"></td>
      <td class="cell5"></td>
      <td class="cell6"></td>

The data:

"data": [
              "cell1": {"label":"Blah 1","val":"1"},
              "cell2": {"label":"Blah 2","val":"2"},
              "cell3": {"label":"Blah 3","val":"3"},
              "cell4": {"label":"Blah 4","val":"4"},
              "cell5": {"label":"Blah 5","val":"5"},
              "cell6": {"label":"Blah 6","val":"6"}
              "cell1": {"label":"Blah 7","val":"1"},
              "cell2": {"label":"Blah 8","val":"2"},
              "cell3": {"label":"Blah 9","val":"3"},
              "cell4": {"label":"Blah 10","val":"4"},
              "cell5": {"label":"Blah 11","val":"5"},
              "cell6": {"label":"Blah 12","val":"6"}
              "cell1": {"label":"Blah 13","val":"1"},
              "cell2": {"label":"Blah 14","val":"2"},
              "cell3": {"label":"Blah 15","val":"3"},
              "cell4": {"label":"Blah 16","val":"4"},
              "cell5": {"label":"Blah 17","val":"5"},
              "cell6": {"label":"Blah 18","val":"6"}
              "cell1": {"label":"Blah 19","val":"1"},
              "cell2": {"label":"Blah 20","val":"2"},
              "cell3": {"label":"Blah 21","val":"3"},
              "cell4": {"label":"Blah 22","val":"4"},
              "cell5": {"label":"Blah 23","val":"5"},
              "cell6": {"label":"Blah 24","val":"6"}

The directive for inserting the data into the tbody of the table:

"tbody tr":{
  "row <-":{
    "td.cell1":"<div class=\"minH\">#{row.cell1.label}</div><div class=\"minV\">#{row.cell1.val}</div>",
    "td.cell2":"<div class=\"minH\">#{row.cell2.label}</div><div class=\"minV\">#{row.cell2.val}</div>",
    "td.cell3":"<div class=\"minH\">#{row.cell3.label}</div><div class=\"minV\">#{row.cell3.val}</div>",
    "td.cell4":"<div class=\"minH\">#{row.cell4.label}</div><div class=\"minV\">#{row.cell4.val}</div>",
    "td.cell5":"<div class=\"minH\">#{row.cell5.label}</div><div class=\"minV\">#{row.cell5.val}</div>",
    "td.cell6":"<div class=\"minH\">#{row.cell6.label}</div><div class=\"minV\">#{row.cell6.val}</div>"

In an ideal world I want to provide the data a bit like this:

"data": [
           {"label":"Blah 1","val":"1"},
           {"label":"Blah 2","val":"2"},
           {"label":"Blah 3","val":"3"},
           {"label":"Blah 4","val":"4"},
           {"label":"Blah 5","val":"5"},
           {"label":"Blah 6","val":"6"},
           {"label":"Blah 7","val":"1"},
           {"label":"Blah 8","val":"2"},
           {"label":"Blah 9","val":"3"},
           {"label":"Blah 10","val":"4"},
           {"label":"Blah 11","val":"5"},
           {"label":"Blah 12","val":"6"},
           {"label":"Blah 13","val":"1"},
           {"label":"Blah 14","val":"2"},
           {"label":"Blah 15","val":"3"},
           {"label":"Blah 16","val":"4"},
           {"label":"Blah 17","val":"5"},
           {"label":"Blah 18","val":"6"},
           {"label":"Blah 19","val":"1"},
           {"label":"Blah 20","val":"2"},
           {"label":"Blah 21","val":"3"},
           {"label":"Blah 22","val":"4"},
           {"label":"Blah 23","val":"5"},
           {"label":"Blah 24","val":"6"}

Any ideas? Is it even possible? I appreciate it is a very specific request. It would just make life easier if there was a way of counting during the pure loop and doing some sort of if/else statement possibly...

I did explore the idea of using divs instead of tables, and using display:table-cell etc. I could easily add a custom class using jQuery to every 6th 'cell', but had an issue of how to force the '7th' cell into a new line without creating more markup (or adding a class to the 7th cell and so on). I also tried floating divs, but had the issue of each div having an inconsistent width, if the content of each 'cell' varied.


Mic (BeeBole)

Feb 4, 2014, 7:21:04 AM2/4/14
to, Alistair Wright,
Hi Ali,

There is no direct way, you need to pre-format the data.
Here is one way to do it:

Ali Wright

Feb 4, 2014, 8:21:18 AM2/4/14
to, Alistair Wright,
This is perfect! It never occurred to me to pre-format the data like this, but I suppose it is obvious. Fantastic. Thanks Mic! Loving PURE :)

Chris Jeffries

Jul 4, 2018, 9:49:28 PM7/4/18
to JavaScript Templates Engine PURE
Late to this thread, but...

Faced with this requirement, I would probably use <div>s and CSS to solve the problem, not a table. Basically, you are using a <table> for something that isn't really a table.

Assuming it's OK to resize the cells to ensure 6 fit on the page width (whatever it might be)
            <div style="float:left;width:15%;min-height:nnpx;max-height:nnpx;" class="selectionkey"></div> 
                             <!--15% gives a little leeway for margins/border/padding. you may need a smaller value. You need to set the height to make sure they all line up nicely-->

If you want to have fixed width cells
          <div style=width:100%;overflow:auto;> 
                  <div style="float:left;width:mmpx;height:nnpx;" class="selectionkey"></div>
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