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reactive updates?

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Oct 19, 2015, 3:33:06 AM10/19/15
to JavaScript Templates Engine PURE
I am considering using pure.js and have one question:

Does this support reactive updates? That is, once the binding is done and values are put into their targeted html, do they change if the original json data changes?

I am looking for this kind of functionality and it would be great if such reactivatity can be built-in to the engine. (So that no need to manually render the whole template again, and the engine takes care of updating only the portion of the html piece that changes).

Thank you,
GK (Gopalakrishna Palem) 

Mic (BeeBole)

Oct 19, 2015, 4:01:38 AM10/19/15
to JavaScript Templates Engine PURE
The library can be extended through a system of plugins.
And could include a reverse biding.
Simple directives could be used to know the property to update.
Function directive would need a reverse declaration.

However I think, the rendering time is so fast today, even on mobiles( compared to the network latency ).
That not convince me the double biding represents a so dramatic improvement over the simplicity of a full re-render, when the data change.
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