ice cream social is on!!

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Sarah Moore

Jun 3, 2011, 9:16:19 PM6/3/11
to Natalie,
hey the ice cream social is on for Satuday along with the kick off!!!
Stacy and Micheal either of you wanna see about getting ice again?


"The honorable choice I see is to power-down; stop taking airplane jaunts, repair old things, get out the clothespins, grow food, walk. And face the truth, that I am party to something so enormously destructive I can hardly know its edges. The conquering of any addiction begins with these words: I am the guilty party." Barbara Kingsolver

Sarah Moore
414 372-3824

Transition Milwaukee

Pink House Studio

Jun 9, 2011, 4:28:10 PM6/9/11
to, Natalie
Hi, all,

I have a flier about the Bike to the Farm challenge made up and I was
planning on bringing it to the UEC Bikes@Work event Saturday.
However I would like some feed back on whether it can be improved. i was
thinking about offering something like a basket of produce to the person
who visited the most farms or covered the most mileage or something. What
would be the best idea? Or just the pleasure of doing it?

I am attaching it as a pdf since I created it in iWorks and the
googlegroups is not working today. I also may need help printing it as
our printer has just stopped working.

I was thinking I would send a letter to the farms so they won't be too
surprised by people stopping by.



Sarah Moore

Jun 10, 2011, 12:32:16 PM6/10/11
Thanks for your work Wes! I think it is fine the way it is, although
color can get expensive so maybe just do black and white to hand it out
and a few color ones to . Anyone wanna spiff it up with power down logo



Jun 10, 2011, 7:14:18 PM6/10/11
to, Natalie, Sarah Moore
Hi, all,

I have a flier about the Bike to the Farm challenge made up and I was
planning on bringing it to the UEC Bikes@Work event Saturday.

But I need help. Could anybody print one copy out in color? I can take
that and make more copies.
I am attaching it as a pdf since I created it in iWorks.
Our printer has stopped working.
The library's printers are too faint and Office Max' policy will not let
me download the pdf to print. I need just 1 color copy - I can pick it up
at your home or at UEC at about 11am tomorrow (Saturday) morning.
E-mail or call and leave a message if you can.

Wes Weinhold


Natalie Berland

Jun 12, 2011, 10:25:35 AM6/12/11
to,, Sarah Moore

I hope that you were able to get your printed copy of this document!  This is what I wrote on the official website.  Feel free to tweak and send back to me.  I mostly stole your words :)  Can I put that there is some prize of a basket of veggies or something?

Bike to Farm Challenge:  The average food travels over 1500 miles from the farm to the store. We think that is expected with bananas and coffee, perhaps with oranges and avocados, but even the vegetables Wisconsin grows may have travelled from Florida or Mexico or California. If the trucks stopped rolling, where would we get our food?  Download a list of farms HERE that are within 50 kilometers of either the Riverwest Coop or the Bayview Outpost.  The miles indicated are using local roads (not always bike paths) to reach these farms.  The person who visits the most Farms is eligible to win a prize.  You are encouraged to use bicycles, but if you wish to walk, ride a horse or take a horse-drawn carriage, you are welcome to do so.



Jun 12, 2011, 1:18:45 PM6/12/11

Sure, we can put together a basket of veggies. Since I gave them all
week, we can award them on Energy Independence Day maybe? Or do we have
another wind-up event on the last weekend?


> Wes:
> I hope that you were able to get your printed copy of this document! This
> is what I wrote on the official website. Feel free to tweak and send back
> to me. I mostly stole your words :) Can I put that there is some prize
> of
> a basket of veggies or something?
> Bike to Farm Challenge: The average food travels over 1500 miles from the
> farm to the store. We think that is expected with bananas and coffee,
> perhaps with oranges and avocados, but even the vegetables Wisconsin grows
> may have travelled from Florida or Mexico or California. If the trucks
> stopped rolling, where would we get our food? Download a list of

> farms HEREthat are within 50 kilometers of either the Riverwest Coop

Virginia Cassel

Jun 13, 2011, 10:00:32 AM6/13/11
Natalie & Wes -
This is great - some comments (commented sections offset with " >"):

Bike to Farm Challenge:

>The average food travels over 1500 miles from the farm to the store. (Our food travels an average of 1500 miles from farm to store?)

>We think that is [to be] expected with bananas and coffee, perhaps with oranges and avocados, but

>even the vegetables Wisconsin grows may have travelled from Florida or Mexico or California. (what does this mean? Also, minor spelling fix: traveled)

If the trucks stopped rolling, where would we get our food? Download

a list of farms HERE that are within 50 kilometers of either the

Riverwest Coop or the Bayview Outpost.

>The miles indicated are [calculated] using local roads (not always bike paths) to reach these farms.

>The person who visits the most Farms is eligible (eligible? or will?) to win a prize.

>You are encouraged to use bicycles, but if you wish to walk, ride a horse or take a horse-drawn carriage, you are welcome to do so. (Maybe just say something like, "non-fossil fueled transportation"? or combine, maybe throwing in "oddball" non-fossil fuel types of transportation?)

Awesome, sounds like a blast!

Jun 15, 2011, 10:11:34 AM6/15/11
I will make the prize definite on the flier. And I will reference the
Farm Fresh Atlas as giving more details about the farms.
And Sarah, if you are updating the online stuff, maybe we could add a link
to the Atlas?
I did want the challenge to be about muscle-powered transportation and not
have someone who can afford a PV-charged electric car run away with the
I have e-mails for a couple of bicycle contacts. If anybody has more, I
was thinking of e-mailing the flier to as many as I could find.



Jun 16, 2011, 8:55:24 PM6/16/11
to 2011 Power Down
I added, please use your own muscle and not a fossil fuel or electric

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