I've tested it on Firefox, Chrome and Safari browsers on Mac, and it
works fine on all three. It should work in those three browsers on
Windows, but I haven't tested it yet. I guess I need to bump that up
the priority list. I wouldn't be surprised at all if it fails in
Internet Explorer.
If you don't see a map when you go to this link:
Please email me and tell me your operating system (e.g.
Mac/Windows/Linux/etc) and which browser you tried, e.g. Firefox or
Internet Explorer.
I attached a screenshot of what it is supposed to look like.
Sorry to be treating you as guinea pigs. Thanks!
I hope the project is intuitive, but unfortunately, if it doesn't work
on Internet Explorer, that's a significant slice of the audience.
There's always room for improvement, and Microsoft specializes in
Let us know if you run into any poetry posts down in Mexico!
I think I'll probably add a disclaimer to the site that it doesn't
work on Internet Explorer, unless it is something I can fix quickly.
Brief rant/explanation: The site is coded to web standards, but
Microsoft is notorious for not following standards. Fixing it so it
works in Internet Explorer could break it for everyone who doesn't use
that browser, and this process often requires a lot of testing and
tinkering and troubleshooting to get something that works on all
browsers. It's 2011. It's not supposed to be like this anymore. But it
is. On one hand, I'm not willing to abandon everyone who might be
using Internet Explorer. On the other hand, I don't know when I'll
have the time to come up with something that works equally well on
every platform. If you are technically inclined, all the code is open
source, and I'm happy to collaborate on fixes.
Rant over.
I won't consider it complete until I get a photo of a box with a poem
in it affixed to the South Pole.
Sent from iPhone
David Cooke
The Lawn Guy
PO Box 1552
Lake Oswego OR 97035