Polyphasic sleep patterns & multiple time zones

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Mar 30, 2013, 9:02:51 AM3/30/13
to polyp...@googlegroups.com

I travel a fair bit for my work. I'm not constantly on the move, but a couple of weeks in south asia, followed by a couple in New York, followed by a couple in Europe, would not be unimaginable.

Does anyone know of any polyphasers who have experimented with schedules that can work over multiple time zones, taking into account things like travel, or adaptation to new circadian rhythms because of sunlight shifts etc?

I'm thinking uberman (provided the times between sleeps were consistent or even equidistant) might be more adaptable for multiple time zones than everyman.

But i wanted to check in case someone has had a chance to try this out? Obviously, the adaptation phase would preferably all be done in the same time zone.


Paul Sutton

Mar 31, 2013, 4:06:20 AM3/31/13
to polyp...@googlegroups.com
Hi there,
I was watching a vlog of a woman who had successfully adapted to Uberman, she claimed, because she wasn't sleeping monophasically, that when she travelled around the world there wasn't an issue with jet lag. If I am correct in thinking, jet lag is caused by the disruption of ones circadian rhythym due to the new times of dawn and dusk that the body must adapt to. Adapting to Uberman will present this problem and you will suffer the adaptation period as a matter of course. I think your biggest obstacle will be nailing the routine of naps ON TIME!!! you have to get your naps bang on for the first two weeks at least, after this you can either fall back into the Everyman cycle E3 or you will be able to start tweaking your naps a little. NOTE: Uberman is very unforgiving when it comes to flexibility of naps, missing a nap by 15-20minutes can be a killer, I'm already picturing you unconscious in the departure lounge as your flight rolls past the window...

good luck :)

Peace, love and vegetables


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Apr 1, 2013, 7:11:19 AM4/1/13
to polyp...@googlegroups.com
I found the existence of sunlight to have less impact on circadian rhythm than seems logical. I was in Taiwan for a week and adjusted to the timezone there. When I returned to the U.S., I decided to keep the same sleeping schedule which meant sleeping during the day and being awake all night.  It was very easy to do for a whole week. I could stay up all night without feeling tired at all until after the sun had come up. I have made many (failed) attempts to adapt to Uberman, and it was always really hard at night and early morning. So I was surprised to discover that the difficulty seems to be more related to habit and less to the rising and setting of the sun. My schedule is going to be freeing up pretty soon here and my plan is to prepare for an Uberman attempt by sleeping during the day for a week in advance so that the hardest hours of adaptation are during the day when others can help me keep active.


Apr 9, 2013, 2:45:58 AM4/9/13
to polyp...@googlegroups.com
Aha. Those both make a lot of sense. Thanks.

Zachary Kent

Apr 9, 2013, 11:20:44 AM4/9/13
to polyp...@googlegroups.com

I think that is completely a personal thing. My wife cannot sleep when the sun is up and has trouble staying awake after it sets.

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