Garden Update -- Work Day/Orientation Saturday

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Jack Downs

Apr 21, 2023, 11:52:44 AM4/21/23
to Plattsburgh Community Garden

We have work days scheduled for this weekend and New Gardener Orientation is 10 a.m. Saturday at the Penfield Garden. New gardeners should gather at the Penfield shed for a short program.

The Penfield work day will also begin 10 a.m. Saturday. Board members will be there to direct you to tasks which will likely include:
  • Clearing and cleaning the shed
  • Work on neglected aisles
  • Clean up of problem plots
  • Policing the refuse pile
PHA gardeners won't have an organized work day, but we encourage you to use some time over the weekend to neaten and clean the shed, remove grass or weeds that the mower can't reach from the garden area and work on your plots.

As always, if you can't make it to the Saturday morning work day, you should find some other time to contribute to these group projects. New gardeners who can't make the orientation should try to schedule a session with a board member.

Other news:
  • Requests have been made to turn on water at both gardens. At first you will have to do hand-watering as the hose systems won't be up immediately. 
  • We've asked for wood chips and should have some soon at Penfield.
  • Compost has been delivered at Penfield and will soon be at PHA.
  • The debris pile will be removed soon at Penfield. In the meantime, please do your best to toss garden debris to the top of the pile
  • Save the date Saturday, May 20, for our street drive fundraiser. Meet 10 a.m. at the Hawkins Hall parking lot. 
See you at the gardens,

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