Fwd[2]: FW: ViMi5 - Third Circular

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Maria Bronnikova

Apr 22, 2024, 1:23:39 PMApr 22
to paleopedology

Dear all,


It is still possible to register for Virtual Micromorphology (ViMi)! This is the 5th ViMi, and the previous four were truly valuable and exciting. It is especially fruitful for those who deal with micromorphology in archaeological contexts.


Best regards,

Maria Bronnikova


Maria Bronnikova

Chair of IUSS Commission 1.6 Paleopedology
Leader of INQUA TERPRO Paleopedology Working Group

Senior Research Scientist

Department of Soil Geography & Evolution
Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences

-------- Пересылаемое сообщение --------
От кого: "Bronnikova, Maria" <maria.br...@ttu.edu>
Кому: Paleop...@googlegroups.com <Paleop...@googlegroups.com>
Копия: Maria Bronnikova <mb...@mail.ru>
Дата: Понедельник, 22 апреля 2024, 11:50 -05:00
Тема: FW: ViMi5 - Third Circular

Dear all,


It is still possible to register for Virtual Micromorphology (ViMi)! This is the 5th ViMi, and the previous four were truly valuable and exciting. It is especially fruitful for those who deal with micromorphology in archaeological contexts.


Best regards,

Maria Bronnikova


Laboratory Manager

Department of Plant and Soil

Texas Tech University


Leading Scientific Researcher

Department of Soil Geography and Evolution

Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences


Chair of IUSS Commission 1.6 Paleopedology

Leader of INQUA TERPRO Paleopedology Working Group


Address: Bayer Plant Science Building, Room 207

                   2911 15th Street

                   Lubbock, TX 79409-2122

Phone:     575-405-61-50

Email:      ma...@bronnikova.ttu.edu

From: Vi Mi <vimi.mi...@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2024 8:01 AM
Subject: ViMi5 - Third Circular


This email originated outside TTU. Please exercise caution!


Dear friends and colleagues, 

It is almost  time for our Virtual Archaeological Soil Micromorphology Meeting (ViMi5)!

ViMi 5 will take place the afternoons of Wednesday and Thursday the 24th  and 25th of April, 2024 (UCT+1) as a joint venture of the University of Innsbruck, the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the University of Vienna.

You can still register - simply follow this Zoom link and fill out the form. You will be asked to add information about your interests and what kind of data you could/would like to share at the meeting, but you can also just listen in. We do not accept any more session proposals at this point. Session chairs: please also remember to register, so you receive the meeting link!

ViMi5 will have a mix of sessions running: break-out rooms, live microscopy and methodological presentations and we would like to share some guidelines for each session type, but please always follow the lead of the chair/presenter and be respectful.

Break-out rooms: The session type will be run by one or more chairs who will lead the discussion. Everyone is invited to share material, but please prepare your material in advance including the context of your study site. Raise your virtual hand if you want to share material or write in the chat and wait until the chair calls you up.

Live microscopy session: The presenter will prepare a short introduction to their study site, then show their thin sections live through a microscope camera. If you have any questions or want to see something in more detail, raise your hand to speak or write in the chat.

Methodological presentations: The presenter will give a presentation on a method in their chosen medium. Questions are welcome, raise your hand to speak or write in the chat.

A big thank you to everybody running a session!!!

ViMi5 Student Prize for best microphotograph. The winner of this year’s contest will receive an engraved sampling knife and a print copy of a selected micromorphology handbook (Nicosia & Stoops 2017, Stoops 2020 or Karkanas & Goldberg 2019) sponsored by the HEAS research network of the University of Vienna. If you want to participate, send your microphotographs along with a description by the 23rd of April to vimi.mi...@gmail.com.

A platform for discussion of micromorphology-related topics is available under this link (press the join button).

If you have any information about upcoming workshops, summer schools or conferences relevant to soil micromorphology that you wish to share at the workshop, don’t hesitate to contact us. We are happy to announce this information or give you the floor to share it during ViMi.


Wednesday 24th April


Type of Session

Name/Topic of Session



Time allotted for participants to enter meeting


Opening address from the organisers


Live Microscopy

Ash Experiments

Takis Karkanas


Parallel Breakout Rooms

Fumiers, Dung & Coprolites

Greta Brancaleoni


Lenka Lisá





Block Excavation of Pech IV

Vera Aldeias



mXRF Coupled with FTIR

Susan Mentzer

15:00 –15:30

Parallel Breakout Rooms

Fire & Behaviour

Carolina Mallol

Mountain Sites

Astrid Röpke & Katja Kothieringer




Parallel Live Microscopy

Dark Earth

Yannick Devos & Christine Pümpin

Galápagos Archipelago Soils

Martin Gerzabek


Parallel Breakout Rooms

Caves & Shelters

Maurizio Zambaldi & Davide Susini

Wetlands & Lakeshore Settlements

Kristin Ismail-Meyer & Susanna Cereda


Thursday 25th April


Type of Session

Name/Topic of Session



Time allotted for participants to enter meeting


Live Microscopy


Hans Huisman


Parallel Breakout Rooms


Doris Jetzinger & Thomas Beard

Earthen Construction

Alessandro Peinetti & Marylise Onfray

Plant Remains & Phytoliths

Enrique Fernández-Palacios & Laura Tomé





Quantum Diamond

Dinckal Ada



µXRF on Thin Sections

Patrizia Urban


Parallel Breakout Rooms

Colluvial and Alluvial Settings

Rachel Kulick

What is this?

Rosa Maria Poch

15:15 –15:30



Parallel Live Microscopy


Dan Fallu

North America

Michael Aiuvalasit


Winner of student microphoto contest announced & final chat


We look forward to getting together with everyone virtually very soon!

All the best,

The organising team of ViMi5

Susanna Cereda, Mareike Stahlschmidt, Lyndelle Webster, Doris Jetzinger and Thomas Beard

Zoom link for registration: https://univienna.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5Uucu2pqj8rHdwB9tAWS7W-MXvqkHIw8k_n#/registration

Email: vimi.mi...@gmail.com

“What is this??” Discussion platform: https://groups.google.com/u/2/g/what-is-this2

3rd circular ViMi5.pdf
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