PR reporting?

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Stephen, Eve

Sep 9, 2011, 5:20:34 PM9/9/11



I’m looking for a simple way to report how many employee hours were paid with shift differential, and what rate they were paid.  (We have union employees, who might be paid different rates depending on which job they are working, or might be moving from one class to another, so we want to know what rate was paid, rather than what rate is current.)


I have various reports from LABOR$DATA that separate out Standard (1.0), Overtime (1.5), and Double Time (2.0), but apparently a shift differential (1.15) is calculated differently by the system. 


Does anyone have a good report writer report to share?




John J. Kirlin, LLC
Celebrating 50 years

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Bauman, Dan

Sep 12, 2011, 3:03:49 PM9/12/11

Eve –


I am not sure that there is any easy way to find this… I think we have done 2 things in the past, depending on how the time was entered (I am assuming that you are using the shift differential field on a payroll entry screen to specify the shift).


1.        Using PR CLASS RATE screen to specify the amount/hour – We have run a reports to show the normal rate of pay, and then a report of what was actually paid, then combined them in a spreadsheet and done a calculation to see who was paid on what shift.

2.       What we do now is setup separate classes that designate the shift, we still have some extra work to figure out the difference in rate, but it is easier to find those affected.. 


Although I did not see it, there might be something that can be done on PR JOB INFO or a Configuration parameter by Profitool to post that part of the cost to a separate GL which would help you get back to base vs. differential dollars.


Wish I could be of more help.



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Stephen, Eve

Sep 12, 2011, 8:08:12 PM9/12/11



Thanks for answering – I’m glad to see I’m not missing something obvious, anyway!  We do tend to get to the answers using our Monarch models and Excel vlookup formulas, but I figured I’d ask if there was a one-step report out there anywhere.




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