Dear Friends,
After 16 wonderful years with ACCO Engineered Systems, I have decided to pursue a new challenge.
During my 32 year career, I have been part of 3 major technology shifts that have impacted various industries. Business use of computers transitioned from timeshare on Mainframe computers and punch cards, to Mini-computers and Wyse Terminals, to Intel & Windows based Servers & Micro-computers. I believe Cloud Computing and Mobile devices will again transform the way businesses use Information Technology.
While at ACCO, Simon Taylor and I developed strategies and solutions that reduced ACCO’s annual operational costs by over $1M Dollars. We feel Zachry’s acquisition of Profitool, Profitool’s underlying architecture as developed by Gary Tamblyn, Bob Stoneman and George Lambardi and Cloud computing present the perfect environment for a series of new Cloud based add-on applications that will enhance usability of Profitool while reducing cost of business operations.
I will be meeting with Zachry & Profitool Management in about two weeks to determine how our new company (VARSIM Engineered Solutions) can become a Value Added Resource for Profitool users and community.
I look forward to seeing all of you at PTUG conference on June 20th in Denver. In the meantime, feel free to contact us via the information at the bottom of this message.
Varoujan Adamian
(818) 201-5111 Mobile
(747) 333-8301 Office
Varouj -
Good luck in your new pursuit!
Profitool users -
Has anyone been able to create a Monarch report for PR CRAFT REPORT? We are using Monarch more and more and it has become such a great resource. However, using Monarch with this Profitool report is a real challenge.
The output of the report can have 1, 2, 3, ...or 9 columns, depending upon a union's reporting requirements. The rows in which column headings are displayed are staggered. The column heading have certain recurring labels (e.g. "Hours", "Gross", "H&W", "Pension", "Dues"), but none of the heading labels appear on every union report.
I am trying to create a Monarch report that puts all of the data on all union reports for a month in a single Excel sheet. Is that an obtainable goal? Is there another way to crack this nut?
-----Original Message-----
From: "Varoujan Adamian" <>
Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2013 11:23pm
Subject: {PTUG} - A new challenge