RW from Payroll History

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Steve Hunt, CFO/Treasurer

Oct 29, 2014, 8:53:06 AM10/29/14
to ProfitoolUserGroup,,



I asked Don for some information on how to create a RW report that would output the detail in PR HISTORY – gross pay detail, deductions and withholdings detail, net check, etc.  He was (as always) very helpful, but his advice may be over my abilities.


Has anyone created a working RW report for this detail that you wouldn’t mind sharing?  If I can get the data in a RW report, I think I can create a Monarch model to create the Excel spreadsheet.  I would then happily share that model if anyone wanted it.






From: Awalt, Don G. []
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 6:05 PM
To: shunt
Cc: pmiller
Subject: RW from Payroll History




A couple of notes on the attached documents.  The .pdf is a ‘how to’ instruction guide that will be helpful in developing a report out the payroll history file.  There are reference to the permanently defined RW fields named PH_KEY, PH_AMOUNT and PH_Q#.  The Excel spreadsheet shows these as column headings.  So the concept is to create items to output by defining them in the CONDITION: section.


When running the report, select records using the check date, and specify both the begin and through dates.


More info, if you’re interested:

Also, the Excel spreadsheet is very helpful in looking at records in the payroll history file using PR DISPLAY EAD.  Do note however, there are four level of records in the file: the annual record (used for W2s), the quarterly record (used for quarterly reports), the monthly record and the detail by check number. 


Use index 0 (zero) to sort by date.  Entry of yyyymm gives you a monthly record.  Entry of yyyyq (1-4) gives you the quarter.  Entry of yyyy gives you the annual record. 


Use Index 1 to sort through the individual disbursements and enter an employee number 1 less than the number you’re looking for to ‘next’ into the desired record.



Don Awalt

Senior Applications Consultant

Profitool, Inc.

303-571-1555, Ext 125


Payroll History Array.xls
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