THIS is TRUE #817: 7 February

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Feb 12, 2010, 11:00:00 PM2/12/10
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SINCE 1994 and reaching more than 106,000 subscribers in over 200
countries, this is the 817th weekly issue of...

THIS is TRUE: 7 February 2010 Copyright
or protesting. Just going for a jog," said a spokesman for the U.S.
Secret Service about an incident outside the White House. Several
witnesses described the event: the unnamed man removed all of his
clothing, put them in a bag, and then ran toward the White House in the
25-degree weather. The man was quickly taken into custody for
psychiatric evaluation, but then they had to deal with the bag of
clothing, which had been "left unattended," the report said, "meaning
it had to be classified as a suspicious package." But it only contained
clothing. (Washington Post) ...This case was just one suspicious
package after another.

A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE INCIDENTS: A man who broke into as many as nine
cars was arrested after he chose the wrong target: an unmarked Ocoee,
Fla., police vehicle. Lake County sheriff's deputies say the thief took
a Taser, a baton, two pair of handcuffs, a magazine for a police
pistol, and other items. Investigators discovered that when the thief
found the Taser, he accidentally discharged it, shocking himself. Then,
he "locked the handcuffs on himself and had to call the Clermont Police
Department to respond to release him," reports say. Shane Thomas
Williams-Allen, 19, was arrested before he could accidentally beat
himself with the baton. (Orlando Sentinel) ...A pity.

TIME IS RUNNING OUT! Make your Valentines Day vote count.

ROMANCE or SEX??? Which would you rather have?
I can't believe more women aren't voting romance!
Take our quick survey and get a FREE Adventures subscription!

ERASABLE MISTAKE: Alexa Gonzalez, 12, was doodling on her desk with an
erasable marker at Junior High School 190 in Queens, N.Y. School
officials called in police, who arrested her and took her to the
precinct house in handcuffs, detaining her for several hours. "I made
two little doodles," she said later. "It could be easily erased. I
started crying, like, a lot." Once reporters got on the story, school
officials backpedaled. "Based on what we've seen so far, this shouldn't
have happened," said City Education Department spokesman David Cantor.
"Even when we're asked to make an arrest, common sense should prevail,"
agreed police spokesman Paul Browne. Still, the girl was suspended from
school for several days, and she was sentenced to eight hours of
community service. (New York Daily News) ...Give the marker to school
officials, and make them write "The punishment should fit the crime"
five million times or until they actually understand the concept,
whichever comes first.

THE WEIGHT OF THE EVIDENCE: Patrick Timoney, 9, was playing with Legos at
lunch time at Public School 52 on Staten Island, N.Y. He particularly
liked the policeman figure, since his father is a retired cop. But the
boy was hauled into the principal's office for possession of a gun --
the tiny plastic one held by the Lego policeman. "They made me sign a
statement," the tear-stained fourth-grader said. "She told me to write
that I had a gun," he said. "She said, 'A gun is a gun'." The boy's
mother had something to say about that. "This principal is a bully and
a coward, and needs to be held accountable," said Laura Timoney, 44.
"Why didn't anyone step up with an ounce of common sense and put an end
to the harassment of my child?" (New York Daily News) ...That's your
job now. It's time to sue.

"Driver Hit by Catholic School Bus: 'All I Thought Was Holy
(Expletive)'" -- Northwest Florida Daily News headline

DID YOU FIND an error? See

I THOUGHT YOU'D LIKE TO SEE the Lego toy gun from the last story. I have
it (with the story) on my blog, along with some analysis of the case --
I turn the New York City Schools' own policies against them to show
just how out of touch this principal was. Feel free to share the URL:

Premium subscribers (and others who keep an eye on my blog) have
already posted some pretty interesting comments; they're definitely
worth the time to at least skim through.

I ALSO HAVE THE MUG SHOT of the guy who Tasered himself (and then locked
himself up):

This week's funniest *story* on my new Mug Shot Museum site is "Not the
First Criminal to Load His Pants". This week's funniest *mug shot* is
in "The Smell of Failure". is getting new
content just about every day.

FIVE MORE STORIES were included in the full column. You missed: Student
sent home from school for supporting the wrong team in the Super Bowl.
Skateboarder hit by a car ...because he crossed against a red light
...which he didn't notice because he was texting. Man hides his stash
in an interesting place, and THAT was so suspicious he was caught. WHO
pulled a gun on two federal marshals?! Girl hauled out of school in
handcuffs because she doodled on her desk ...with an ERASABLE marker.
You can still read all of these stories: ask for your upgrade to start
with the 7 February issue.

The biggest lament I see (again and again) is, "I don't have time for
the Premium edition." Premium is the SAME SIZE as the free edition. If
you take out the free edition's ads and upgrade pitches and replace
them with double the stories, it ends up on average being the same size
-- Premium is simply more concentrated with stories. Sweet!

o o o

AND AMONG THE LATEST postings to Jumbo Joke: Be My Valentine.


Chocolate Season is upon us! Learn more about chocolate
before you give it to a loved on for Valentine's Day.


TOP ON GROXX TODAY: "Robber Tries to Hold up Closed Bank". Oops! Submit
stories and vote on what submissions are best, register for free at

BLOG COMMENT OF THE WEEK: "I thought children were the ones who had
difficulty distinguishing between fantasy and reality. But, even if we
accepted that a gun is always a gun, that unfortunately doesn't mean an
educator is always an educator." --Jorn in Germany, in response to

TEN YEARS AGO IN TRUE: When you report for your trial and see the
overwhelming evidence against you, what do you do? Grab the evidence
and run! -- and don't forget for a new story every day on your iPhone,
BlackBerry, Android, or other web-enabled phone!

Wall, or online Vietnam Veterans Memorial. This online version of the
Wall doesn't simply list the 58,249 names engraved on the memorial in
Washington DC. It allows families, friends, and comrades to submit
photos and remembrances, and lists the citations and medals the
soldiers received. There is no fee to submit a memorial, and there are
no advertisements on the site: "To many of us who have lost friends or
relatives in the war, commercializing their sacrifices would be like
making the Wall in Washington into a billboard."
-- Bonzer Sites archive:

THIS WEEK'S HONORARY UNSUBSCRIBE goes to Aaron Ruben. A TV producer,
Ruben was responsible for "setting the tone and style" of a 1960 TV
show that was so popular, it can still be seen in reruns today. For the
full story see
NOTE: The full Honorary Unsubscribe is included in the Premium edition --
you don't have to click to a web site to read it. Support the
publication that brings it to you!

YOU CAN REALLY HELP TRUE: Send this issue (in its entirety, please) to a
friend with your personal recommendation. A friend told YOU about this
newsletter, right? Pass the favor on! Thanks.

TIRED OF BEING TOLD WHERE TO GO? "Get Out of Hell Free" with our popular
and (in?)famous cards, created in response to a reader telling Randy he
was doomed.

SUBSCRIPTIONS to "This is True" are free at
Published weekly by ThisIsTrue.Inc, PO Box 666, Ridgway CO 81432 USA
(ISSN 1521-1932). TRUE is available to newspapers as a regular feature
column. "This is True" is a registered trademark of ThisIsTrue.Inc

COPYRIGHT 2010 by Randy Cassingham, All Rights Reserved. All stories are
completely rewritten by Randy Cassingham using facts from the noted
sources. ALL broadcast, publication, retransmission to e-mail lists,
WWW or any other copying or storage, in any medium, online or not, is
STRICTLY PROHIBITED without PRIOR written permission from the author.
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