Stop the Torture, Stop the Torture, Stop the Torture‏

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Hesham Hussein

Jun 29, 2012, 10:56:28 PM6/29/12

Death Threats, Death Threats, Death Threats.

My name is Hesham Hussein.  As you can probably see, it is a Muslim Arab name.  I was born in Egypt. I lived there until I finished elementary school.  I then moved with my family to Saudi Arabia until I completed high school. Since then, I have lived here in the U.S. For most of my life, I have been living in the U.S. I have lived longer here than I ever lived overseas. My wife and kids were born here. We rarely left the country, due to economic reasons. For most of my life, I have been aware of the fact that the Egyptian government has been systematically employing tactics such as torture, kidnapping and even murder against its citizens. This includes not only political dissidents but also clergy and anyone who wishes to lead a decent life without taking part in the corruption. In the last decade or so, I have noticed that some of these same practices are being used here in the U.S. It has become painfully obvious to me, as I have been the target of several ‘techniques’ used in a variety of ways. Often it is an attempt to scare and intimidate me, as well as destroy my reputation and credibility. Basically it is an assassination of my character through lies, rumors, mocking and obstacles intentionally being put in different areas of my life. I have been subjected to this at work (I’m a software developer), at home, while running errands and even in my house of worship.
I understand that people want security, who wouldn’t? The question is, at what cost and who is going to pay? Is it okay that my family and I have to pay just because we are Muslims? I hear that the government is collecting information on people left and right. Do they have the right to use that to sexually harass me? For example, at work, people make loud kissing noises around me. For security, my private information is used against me just because they have the tools to see and hear us at home, in the car and anywhere we go. For example, if I’m discussing showers at home, I’ll walk by two people and I’ll overhear one of them saying, “If you just woke up earlier, you could’ve taken a shower.” Just because the government has the manpower and resources, they can perpetrate this against me? And it’s often done in shifts, or cycles. One person will do it this week and another will do it the following week, then possibly a third will do it the week after. Is it simply to ‘go after an easy target?’ Is it okay to terrorize me and my family because we don’t have the money to hire private investigators, a team of lawyers or a security firm? Is this justice? For security, they have the right to bully me at work, at home or anywhere I go? Is it okay to single me out because I’m Arab? I’ve done some research and found that the modern-day terminology describes this behavior as ‘gang-stalking’ or ‘organized stalking.’ Even historically you can find numerous examples of this type of behavior. It has been getting very bad for so long. Now it is ‘in your face’ and you can’t do anything about it.
I have been doing as much as I can by documenting everything. I have names, license plates, videos and audio recordings. And of course, I get harassed about that too. People do not want to be caught doing this. I’m not running for public office. I’m not a preacher. I’m not a terrorist. I’m not a spy. I have been busy with work and at home.
I noticed that the frequency of these attacks increase around holidays and election times. I know that times are tough, but I did not think that people would sell their kids, neighbors or any human being that easily. People are willing to follow orders blindly without stopping to think if this is hurting or even torturing someone. Or does the fact that it’s ‘legal’ make it seem justifiable and rational? Even my religious practices are up for mockery and ridicule. On the first day of fasting (during Ramadan), I was asked to go to lunch specifically that day. Are there are no boundaries, is nothing sacred?  I ask myself if this is all done for ‘security’ or if behind it is something more sinister. I wouldn’t expect this disrespectfulness, degradation or humiliation from a society that wants to advance. I thought in this country ‘all men are created equal,’ and that everyone ‘has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.’ Is it okay for a government to render judgments against people and to assassinate/murder its citizens without due process or adhering to any rule of law?  A good example of this was revealed after the ouster of Mubarak in Egypt. Directly behind the building of the Office of Homeland Security (but still within the perimeter of the fences), there was a graveyard. Another example happened to me when I was working for Pima County in Arizona. I was at work, in the elevator, when a stranger runs up to me, joins me in the elevator, and asks me, “Are you ready to commit suicide yet?” Is the idea to make life so miserable for the targeted individual that they would contemplate suicide?  
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