Christianity and Political Platform

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May 19, 2005, 6:47:10 PM5/19/05
We as Reformed Christians, are called to protect life. Protect unborn
life; protect the lives of Iraqis under the rule of a dictator. Bush
is a devout Christian, his beliefs are all compatible with
Christianity. Protesting him is taking a stand against Christian
beliefs and taking a secular stance to today's ethical issues.



May 19, 2005, 8:07:24 PM5/19/05
So are we not to protect the lives of those killed in a violent and
arguably unjustified war? Are we not to protect the lives of those
starving in the streets of our own country? Are we not to protect the
lives of those who disagree with us around the world?
Christian beliefs are varying all across the board. The only common
belief that makes Christians the same is the belief that Jesus Christ
is our savior. This leaves a whole lot of room for differing opinions
and beliefs.
Protesting someone who claims to be a Christian (I'm by no means
claiming that he is not) for their deviation from what they say to be
their beliefs through their political actions is in no way taking a
stand against Christian beliefs.

Please do not make statements that attempt to simplify massive,
multi-faceted issues into basic black and white, yes or no stances.

- Seth


May 20, 2005, 1:01:07 AM5/20/05
To "ProLife",

Ah--excuse me, I don't think so.

This simple-minded, black and white way of thinking is dangerous.

Are we supposed to blindly protect "unborn" life , or follow Jesus'
example of thoughfully pursuing the most loving course of action in
each situation?

And do you really believe that Bush made this illegal and unilateral
decision to invade Iraq just to "protect" the lives of Iraqis under the
rule of a dictator? Boy, does he have YOU duped!
And it is O.K. to "protect" these lives (and ours, which is what this
is really all about) by killing scores of other people, including
LIVING children?

This certainly does not jive with MY spiritual, Christian beliefs. Nor
does this point of view seem pro-life in the larger context.

Perhaps Bush is stuck in this simple-minded, narrow way of looking at
things because he is not smart enough to think things through and view
life from a broader perspective.

Protesting him is, in many ways, taking a stand FOR Christian beliefs,
not against.


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