more of Bushs hyprocrasy

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Scott Doster

May 18, 2005, 10:25:44 AM5/18/05
It was just last year that Little George did not go to his own daughters' graduations citing the circus-like atmoshere that his attending would cause with the security measures and the extra traffic.  He also said it was their day to be in the spotlight and he didn't want to take that away from them and the  other graduates or cause hardship for their folks.  I guess you don't deserve the same consideration. The real reason he would'nt attend was because he can't handle people voicing their opposition to himself and his wrongheaded policies.  And they thought he could fly under the radar at Calvin this time.  Please don't let him.  If you're President of the United States you would think that you would be capable of appearing before diverse groups of American citizens not just at staged events.  It sounds about right that Mr. Rove  and Mr. Bush invited themselves to your beautiful campus.  Please don't let their ugliness rub off on you.  Try to do good to others and this wonderful world .  That's all anyone can ask of you.  Thank you.


May 18, 2005, 11:21:09 AM5/18/05
At the risk of seeming to encourage inflamatory messages such as the
preceeding, I thought this article was interesting:

Note the source, so reliability is questionable at best.

Jeremy Thomas Vecchi

May 18, 2005, 12:25:53 PM5/18/05
Another mention in the national press of Bush's platform at Calvin.  This is from the Washington Times, a heavily-biased conservative newspaper.  However, I think their treatment of the story is very fair.

May 18, 2005, 2:19:30 PM5/18/05
As a born-and-raised Dutch CRC, I thank all of you for helping create a
respectful atmosphere with the intentions of sharing your disapproval
of President Bush's policies and politics. I encourage you all to
continue your fight for what you see as right in this world. God has
called each of us to do what we can to foster a lasting peace on the
foundation of justice and a stable and righteous political order, in
which human society can flourish.

I ask that as a person with roots in the CRC, family alumni from
Calvin, and a strong disagreement with our president, you all find your
way to politely let Bush know that you don't agree with him.

Please visit this site to see the support you are recieving elsewhere!

Also, just so everyone can put a face to the troll "mstytsma" from
earlier posts, you can check this out--he's at the bottom:

Good luck, and God Bless!

May 18, 2005, 2:22:49 PM5/18/05
Hopefully you learned respect at Calvin - obviously you didn't learn
how to spell. "Hypocrisy" is the correct spelling for your future
reference. I have to laugh as I browse through the comments on this
message board. Most of you are so isolated from the real world. But
that's to be expected as students. I hope that someday you'll realize
that without business and yes, riches, Calvin College or any other
school for that matter wouldn't exist. Actually I figured that out
before I graduated from Calvin - I guess it just takes a little longer
for some. Unless, of course, you're choosing to stay in academia, in
which case you'll live in a total fantasy world the rest of your life
(evidenced by the professors' comments). So, congratulations on your
upcoming graduation...and your soon to come welcome to the "real
world" and how it functions!

May 18, 2005, 2:28:32 PM5/18/05
When all else fails, the liberals turn to name calling!


May 18, 2005, 2:59:16 PM5/18/05
Nancy, I'm sorry you read "troll" as name calling. It is intended as a
designation of those who write inflammatory repsonses and posts with
the sole intention of stirring things up. It's "blogspeak".

This thread was created (from what I understand) to give those who
share the Christian Reformed Church's views on politics in regard to
religion. Those who organize here share the same views about Bush's
visit, and therefore you are in the minority.

Resorting to nitpicking spelling errors is inflammatory at best. The
"isolation" you speak of sure does have a large voice in America today.
If you pay attention to poll results, you can see that Bush holds a
record-low approval rating of 43%. (via a Pew poll: Therefore,
this isolation is yours to experience.

This little microcosm on Google is how the real world functions.
People with similar views come together to get things done. Whether
that means businesses, churches, synagogues, mosques, colleges,
universities or Star Wars fan groups, it all shows how the real world

You may need to chew on this well-stated position of Calvin College on
this visit:

"We are not right wing; we're not left wing. We think our faith trumps
political ideology."-History Professor Randall Jelks

Hopefully you will remember your roots as a Calvin grad, and what the
CRC stands for.

May 18, 2005, 3:23:08 PM5/18/05
I'm not CRC...polls may be one thing...the election is another. We
elected George made.


May 18, 2005, 3:26:53 PM5/18/05
Just curious...who is "we" and what is the case made? Interested to


May 18, 2005, 3:42:51 PM5/18/05
A fixed election got this village idiot in office. You obviously don't
care about our environment, or are ignorant to the way he is destroying
it. I hope you don't have or plan to have kids, because they're
certainly going to remember these 'dark years' when they can't visit a
National Park because it's been overhauled by oil rigs. If Bush is
such a strong believer in God, why is he destroying his lands for the
greed of money for him and his cronies?

May 18, 2005, 3:43:49 PM5/18/05
"We" are the voters, "case made" is George Bush was elected, not John

May 18, 2005, 4:00:42 PM5/18/05
Oh, you're so funny...and naive....and yes, I have children and I worry
more about them finding jobs than visiting a National Park. I
suppose that you bike to school?

Jeremy Thomas Vecchi

May 18, 2005, 4:03:25 PM5/18/05
Another article--this one in the Grand Rapids Press.  Did anyone out there see these two Calvin professors on Hannity & Colmes?

May 18, 2005, 4:14:32 PM5/18/05
I think we're veering off track once again. We need to focus on
graduation and not Liberal vs Conservative flame wars. I encourage the
liberals for whom this fourm was intended to keep their cool and not
get sucked into petty quibbles everytime someone makes an asinine

That said, I think Nancy clearly elucidates the problem with Bush
speaking at commencement. She says : " I hope that someday you'll

realize that without business and yes, riches, Calvin College or any

other school for that matter wouldn't exist." The fact is that for us
graduates, all 900 of us, liberal or democrat or some sane balance of
business and the real world but I'm graduating and I don't need my 5
years of hard work to amount to little more than a publicity stunt to
garner funds and global attention. I want to celebrate with my family
and hear from a speaker that actually gives a damn. Shirley Hoogstra
indicated that Bush's speech writers have been in contact with the
college so that they can write a Calvin appropriate speech. HIS SPEECH
WRITERS, not him. Is that not an obvious indication that our big day is
just another stop on the political trail? If my preference for a heart
felt speech from someone who has genuine concern for this community is
indicative of living in a "total fantasy world", then I choose to
forfeit reality.

So...white and black ribbons is it? Any updates on where I can get a
"god is not a..." button? How about a peace symbol button?

May 18, 2005, 4:16:21 PM5/18/05
oh yeah, don't forget to let me know what spelling errors I've made.

May 18, 2005, 5:59:12 PM5/18/05

Interesting. But the picture isn't a picture of Mark Sytsma. It's a
picture of a current Calvin student whose standards of conduct and
attitude toward his fellow human beeings far exceed what we're seeing
from msytsma here. Oh well.

May 18, 2005, 7:55:02 PM5/18/05
Huh?? I haven't even posted on this particular thread and somehow I
have managed to be mentioned in it. What is more, it strikes me as odd
that some random person bothers to google me or look into my interenet
history. Wierd. It is also wierd that you know who I am. I don't know
who saupek@hotmail is but the closest thing I can think of is Karen
Saupe, an English prof at Calvin. Maybe it is her, maybe not, but I
really don't care.

As I have mentioned many times before, I have written most of my posts
here on the level of the other responses. That was my point. The posts
in this discussion haven't been of a "high standard of conduct."

You are right about one thing, I hate human beings and intentionally go
around looking for ways to degrade them with every chance I get. You
have me pegged.

May 18, 2005, 9:55:51 PM5/18/05
I didn't, but here's the link. Hannity pulled the usual Fox trick: lie,
then make the other person try to defend themselves. I'm really proud
of the profs. They kept the discussion dignified, unlike a little of
what I'm seeing around here...ahem.,2933,156931,00.html


May 18, 2005, 11:03:50 PM5/18/05
msystma is at the bottom of the screen. You have to scroll down to see

May 19, 2005, 11:18:12 AM5/19/05

For starters I'm not a gradute of Calvin College or any other
university; I'm a high school graduate that's worked for a living all
my life, so please forgive my spelling error. But the nasty tone of
your responses and the name-calling you resort to show the emptiness of
your beliefs. You are a fan of the President, but those who are not
are not necessarily wrong. Why should the students of your alma mater
become the backdrop for this politician on one of the most memorable
days of their lives? Just because Karl Rove thinks that Bush will get
a soft reception at a well known "conservative" arts college doesn't
mean that everyone at the campus or in the area has to just shut up and
take it. He and his followers (like yourself) cannot stand any sort of
rebuttal, will never admit they have been wrong, cannot bear to tell
the truth about facts in the world and have no great love of democracy
or human rights despite their overblown rhetoric. What GB wants and
what your ilk would give him is total power. He squeeks by in the last
election and acts like he has been annointed by some supernatural being
with all the power of a king or a tin-horn dictator. But we all know
he's a little spoiled frat boy whose entire life has been a story of
utter luxury and privilege. He is a clown, a puppet for a group of
really ugly people whose sole purpose in life is the pursuit of
"riches" and who will do anything (attack countries illegaly, lie to
his electorate, etc) to get and gain. Why should anyone have to listen
to this scumbag on their graduation day. He is a mass murderer. How's
that for spelling?


May 19, 2005, 4:58:27 PM5/19/05

Funny you make the comment about biking. I ride my bike as much as
possible, in fact this week I rode it everyday (except for today
because I don't have the proper rain gear) 23 miles to and from work.

May 19, 2005, 5:31:29 PM5/19/05
Didn't watch the interview and didn't read it before you brought my
attention to it. In fact, I've only seen Fox News a handful of times in
my life and I haven't heard Hannity's radio show in about a year. Sorry
I don't have time for that stuff so that your accusations might
actually stick.

Anyway, what lie of Hannity are you referring to? The only thing I saw
was him asking a question to Dr. Jelks. I thought the question was fair
considering what he did and said a few years back. That wasn't a lie,
that was the truth. Jelks was making a fool out of himself with his
statements (which in my exposure to Calvin isn't a new trend for him).
He, and a number of other profs became self-appointed legal experts
even though they have little to no understanding of the role Rhinquist
played in Plessy V Furg. One of the few profs at Calvin with any legal
knowledge was Pollard (Harvard JD, UVA PhD) called these profs and
students on their lack of knowledge and pointed out how they really
didn't know what they were talking about. Yes these guys made a stink
back then and they are still making a stink now. They have a right to
make a stink but they can't complain when people actually hold them
accountable for what they say and do. They for some reason think doing
so is a violation of their free speach or something like that.

Jelks and company haven't been dignified in their "discussion" in the
past--at least by your own standards.

May 19, 2005, 6:22:44 PM5/19/05
People... Please stop the personal attacks. They do nothing but throw
gasoline on the inferno. Please, you are not proving anything by
fighting in such petty manners. You are making everyone, Christians,
liberals, conservatives, Calvinites... everyone involved look like
vindictive immature people. Please calm down and take take into
consideration the negative effects you insult hurling is having on the
community. We are not here to hate on each other, but to show love and
respect. Most people on this forum have recieved a Calvin education,
from one of the best Christian Liberal Arts colleges in the nation,
please demonstrate to each other and outsiders the Christ like
temperment that Calvin stands for, not this reckless and abusive
mudslinging. Please, use logic and rationality, not insults and anger.

May 20, 2005, 8:14:38 PM5/20/05
Mariequeenbee: That has been my point the whole time although it
doesn't seem to resonate whether I do it by satire, by imitating others
on this site, or by directly stating it.

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