Oracle 9i RAC and NAS

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Sep 24, 2004, 7:32:03 AM9/24/04
Hello all,

Well, first on-topic post in this group :)
I'm flattered!

I've been searching the internet for some months now.
I'm looking for some documentation on Oracle 9i RAC, installed and
configured on a NAS in combination with NetApps.

So far no luck.
Yeah, I found the occasional reply or topic, but nothing solid. I have
to install the above configuration beginning next year, but would like
to have some experience before I begin. I do not have a NAS at home, so
all I can do to prepare myself is read.

Anyone knows anyhting about this, or has ever done this, or knows where
I can get some documentation about this?
I allready tried Metalink by the way :)

Oh, almost forgot, hardware+software info:

2 x Compaq servers with Windows 2000 (these are the RAC-nodes)
Oracle 9i Enterprise Edition
A NAS-thingie-machine-blah.
NetApps Application(?)
The servers will be installed by another division within the company,
probably the same for the NAS and NetApps.

Thanks in advance!

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