Shabbat Bamidbar & Shavuot Schedules and News

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Or Menorah

Jun 6, 2024, 1:45:11 AMJun 6
to OrMenorah Google Groups

Or Menorah
Rabbi Doug Zelden – Rav
Rabbi Simcha Lefton – Asst. Rabbi
Dov Steinberg - Shul President

7006 N. California Ave. Chicago, IL 60645
Shabbat Parshat Bamidbar 5784
Friday Erev Shabbat Candle lighting 8:04 pm

Friday – Mincha/Kabalat Shabbat:  8:14pm
Sof Zman Kriat Shma:(Say Shma by) 9:02am
Birkat Hatorah & Kriat Shma 8:55am

Shabbat Morning:  9:15am
We do not have a Kiddush sponsor yet this week. If you are able to contribute, for a simcha, Yortzeit, or occasion, please contact the Rabbi.

Shabbat Afternoon:
Shiur with Rabbi Simcha Lefton begins 20 minutes before Shabbat Mincha

Shabbat Afternoon Mincha7:54pm
followed by Divre Torah and Rabbi Yehuda Kovacs speaking



Saturday Night:

Motz’ei Shabbat Maariv: 8:59pm  followed by Havdallah after 9:16pm
(Maariv begins no earlier than 33 minutes after sunset)

(If you are able to sponsor a future Shabbat or Kiddush please contact the Rabbi)


Or Menorah
Rabbi Doug Zelden – Rav
Dov Steinberg – Shul President


 Tuesday June 11th 
(Candles 8:06pm - Lihadlik Ner Shel Yom Tov & Shehecheyanu)
Mincha 8:15pm
Guest Dvar Tiorah/Shiur before Maariv Maariv after 8:55pm
MISHMAR: We are invited again this year to Adas Yershurun,  presented by Rabbi Zev Cohen,
beginning at @ 11:45pm,  We stay for 2 sessions.

Wednesday June 12th 
Shacharit/Musaf  - 9:15am

Mincha: 8:15pm
Dvar Tiorah/Shiur before Maariv by Rabbi Eli Turen – Maariv after 8:50pm
(Candles 9:13pm - Lihadlik Ner Shel Yom Tov & Shehecheyanu)

Thursday June 13th 
Shacharit/YIZKOR/Musaf  - 9:15am
Dvar Torah/Shiur after Mincha by Rabbi Rallis Wiesenthal
Maariv after 9:00pm followed by Havdallah after 9:15pm



Mazel Tov to:
Diane Kagan & Lionel Dredze on their anniversary.
Dinese & Neal Katz on their anniversary.
Samantha & Daniel Jacoby and families on the birth of a daughter.
Happy Birthday to:
Talia Mullen
Jeff Weinberg
Lois Zelden
Percy Kelleter
Marvin Gold
Tanya Gershon
Ely London
Renee Delmar
Ron Glenner
Dr. Dov Shapiro
Larry Merzel
Shoshana Tarshish
Marci Rozen
Mayer Cohen
Phyllis Rine
Dov Carl
Judy Hurwitz
Rebecca Allen
Yom Huledet Samayach!
Condolences to the families of:
Rabbi Burton Wax z“l
Sharon  Jacobson a“h
Merle Friedman a“h

Hamakom Yenachem Etchem B'Toch Sh'ar Avele Tzion Virushalayim!
Torah Thoughts from Rabbi Doug…
Parshat Bamidbar
Much of Parshat Bamidbar is devoted to a census of the tribes of Israel, the place of each one in the formation of the camp, & their position in the march towards Israel. But it says, the tribe of Levi “was not counted among them.” Yet we know Levi was counted twic! Unlike the other tribes, who were counted once, from the age of 20-60 years of age (the age of military service), the Levi’im were counted from as young as 1 month old (when a human being becomes viable); then were counted again, from the ages of 30-50, when their various responsibilities in the Mishkan were lessened.  The Torah explains that the unique significance of the Levi’im derived from two sources: The first was that they steadfastly stood beside Hashem & refused to participate in the sin of the Golden Calf. By doing so, they replaced the first-born, who were the original “spiritual elite” of the nation, but had lost their status due to their involvement in that sin. Secondly, they – like their ancestral head of the family, Moshe Rabbeinu – were the Torah teachers of the nation, & were meant to live throughout the country, in 48 cities interspersed among the tribes, educating & motivating the nation in its adherence to G-d’s ways. In this sense, while it’s true they had no specific portion in the Land, in reality they were in every portion. “Where it counts, they counted!”
Or Menorah - Weekday Schedule of Services
Weekday Minyanim with Rabbi Doug
*Since the Pandemic Or Menorah is holding Minyaim on Erev Shabbat, Shabbat, and Motz’ei Shabbat (& Yom Tov) all other weekday davening will temporarily be as scheduled below.
~ S-F Shacharit: 8:30am at  Poalei Zedek 
~ S-TH Mincha/Maariv : 15  minutes before sunset at Poalei Zedek 
~Friday Mincha: 10 min. after Candle Lighting at 
Or Menorah
~ Motz'ei Shabbat Maariv: 33 minutes after Sunset at 
Or Menorah
If you have a birthday, a Yahrtzeit, a simcha,a baby coming, or you are a chiuv.... PLEASE inform Rabbi Doug and one of the Gabbayim when you come into shul so that the appropriate honors can be handed out and the appropriate announcements made.

See the only weekly Jewish TV show in the midwest!

"Taped With... Rabbi Doug"
See to watch on-line 24/6 and
for more info and schedules
This week's show with Rabbi Doug:

YOM HA’ATZMAUT 5784 at Daley Plaza
On-Line Link to watch this episode on the web:
Chicago - Channel 19 Mondays at 8:30pm and Tuesdays at 3:30pm.
(see for more TV schedules and stations.)
Be sure to check the
WRP Eruv Hotline
every Erev-Shabbat at
or on-line by clicking below:
A green sign on the window of Or Menorah
indicates the Eruv is Up & Kosher to use

Please make sure Rabbi Doug has your email address, and if you are not in the Achenu, please make your home address and phone number available also.
Shul Email:
Rabbi’s Email:
Dov Steinberg’s email:
(Shul phone: 773-299-8022

Please take care of your 5784 membership,
and any outstanding yizkor pledges
or past due donations.

To donate with a credit card, go to:
Please be up to date! We need your support!

Or Menorah


Summary of Parshat Bamidbar        By, Rabbi Doug Zelden

 Numbers 1:1                                                                               Page 568  in the Hertz Chumash

1st Aliya
: Moshe is commanded to count all males over the age of 20, 2 years after leaving Egypt,
on Rosh Chodesh Iyar. Pg. 568 Ch.1:1


2nd Aliya: The total, not including Shayvet Layvie, was 603,550. He registers them all according
to their paternal ancestry. The total number of Jews was around 3 million.  Pg.570 Ch.1:20


3rd Aliya: The tribes are each assigned their position within the camp, and in the order of
the traveling. Pg.572 Ch.2:1


4th Aliya: In preparation for separating the tribe of Layvie, the Torah establishes Aharon's
genealogy. Although the Kohanim were also from the  Tribe of Layvie, they were counted
by themselves. Pg.574 Ch.3:1


5th Aliya: Moshe counts the Leviyim according to their three basic families: Gershon, Kehas,
and Mirarri. Their individual responsibilities in transporting the Mishkan is stated, and their
total was 22,000. Pg. 576 Ch.3:14


6th Aliya: Being that the Leviyim were to be in direct exchange for the first born, Moshe counts
all the first born in the rest of the nation.  Their total was 22,273. The extra 273 first born are instructed
to redeem themselves from Aharon the Kohain for 5 silver shekels. Pg. 577 Ch.3:40


7th Aliya: The Parsha concludes with detailed instructions for the family of Kahas. Their
primary responsibility was to transport the vessels of the Mishkan. Only Aharon and his
sons were allowed to cover the vessels in preparation for transport. Once covered, the family
of Kahas did the actual carrying. Pg.578 Ch.4:1

Maftir Aliya: We repeat the last four verses of the portion. Pg.580 Ch.4:17


Haftorah Bamidbar      Hosea 2:1-22          Pg.583 in the Hertz Chumash


The opening words of Hosea in this week’s Haftorah compare the future numbers of the Israelites to the sand of the sea. This connects to the Torah portion, which counted Bnai Yisrael in the wilderness. There are four underlying themes in Hosea’s words this week. Our destiny and glorious future, Our dark present, Hashem’s love for us, and the Fruits of Repentance. The Haftorah for Parshas Bamidbar can be found on page 583, in the Hertz Chumash.


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