Shabbat Beha'alotcha e-Buletin with Graduates Kiddush this week! Please submit names!

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Or Menorah

Jun 19, 2024, 10:34:20 PMJun 19
to OrMenorah Google Groups

Or Menorah
Rabbi Doug Zelden – Rav
Rabbi Simcha Lefton – Asst. Rabbi
Dov Steinberg - Shul President

7006 N. California Ave. Chicago, IL 60645
Shabbat Parshat Beha’alotcha 5784
Friday Erev Shabbat Candle lighting 8:09pm

Friday – Mincha/Kabalat Shabbat:  8:19pm
Sof Zman Kriat Shma:(Say Shma by) 9:04am
Birkat Hatorah & Kriat Shma 9:00am

Shabbat Morning:  9:15am
Graduates’ Kiddush this week!
Please submit the names of your graduates and school/grade for us to honor!
Send an email with names to
Also, Help co-sponsor with a donation in honor of your Grads!
Donate towards Kiddush by check or by credit card at
Shabbat Afternoon:
Shiur with Rabbi Simcha Lefton begins 20 minutes before Shabbat Mincha

Shabbat Afternoon Mincha7:59pm
followed by Divre Torah and Rabbi Yehuda Kovacs speaking


Saturday Night:

Motz’ei Shabbat Maariv: 9:04pm  followed by Havdallah after 9:21pm
(Maariv begins no earlier than 33 minutes after sunset)

(If you are able to sponsor a future Shabbat or Kiddush please contact the Rabbi)

Mazel Tov to:
Hannah Carl & Mordy Greenland and families on their marriage.
Abby & Sammy Goldsmith and families on the birth of a son.
Talya & Simmy Warso and families on the birth of a son.
Ariella Garfinkel & Ezra Herman and families on their engagement.
Michelle & Leo Bromberg on their anniversary.
Shoshi & Avi Mor on their anniversary.
Lesley & Jason Weile on their anniversary.
Jeanne Rivka & Howard Bernath on their anniversary.
Cori & Dr. Stuard Dunn on their anniversary.
Amy & Gene Levin on their anniversary.
Julie & Ken Roytman on their anniversary.
Evette & Keith Sherry on their anniversary.

Happy Birthday to:
Adira Gurevich
Marlene Harrison
Lisa Karpas
Joel Katler
Debbie Harris
Wendy Malkin
Rachel Jakofsky
Nicole Cohen
Benjamin Berele
Art Aberman
Karen Erb
Debbie Berg
Anastasia Simferowska
Merle Turchik
Steven Hurovitz
Roxi Elster
Jake Einhorn
Assaf Grumberg
Mike Rubenstein
R‘ Victor Weissberg
Lindsay Schwartz
Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon
Simon Kuranz
Sue Aberman
Yom Huledet Samayach!
Condolences to the families of:
Dr  Robert Cohen z”l

Avery Cohen z“l

Linda Bell a“h

Deborah Meyer a“h

Roberta Eisenberg a“h

Sarah Krell a“h

Hamakom Yenachem Etchem B'Toch Sh'ar Avele Tzion Virushalayim!
Torah Thoughts from Rabbi Doug…
Parshat Beha’alotcha
The Manna from Heaven fell for 40 years, dropped right at your door, tasted like anything you imagined, left no waste products, etc. So then why, in this week’s Parsha, do the people complain bitterly about this seemingly perfect food from Heaven? “Our souls are dried out,” they kvetch, “we have nothing but this Manna to look at!”  What exactly was their problem? The problem was not in the Mahn; it was in the eyes of the beholders! The Mahn may have acquired any taste from pizza to poultry, but it always looked the same! Even back then, it seems, presentation was vitally important! (In fact, says one Medrash, as a result of this incident Moshe was told to instruct the people to light candles each erev Shabbat & Erev Yom Tov, so there would be a visual indication that a special day was beginning). We must re-train ourselves to see beyond the obvious; to explore the deeper reality that is masked and hidden by the chitzoniyut – the outwardness. The Hebrew word “ayin (eye),” spelled with the letter Ayin, sounds just like “ayin” spelled with an Alef, which means “nothing.”  Nothing, I suggest, is what it seems to be! A blind person learns to use their senses to see beyond the eye’s perception. We must all train ourselves to “see” with more than just our eyes. To ‘see’ with all our other senses; with our ears, our touch, our hearts, and our mind.” Had Bnei Yisrael “seen” the Mahn - beyond it’s physical appearance - they would have understood what a unique gift it was, and how special they were to receive it from Hashem. We, too, would do well to take off our glasses, close our eyes, and “see” things for what they really are
Or Menorah - Weekday Schedule of Services
Weekday Minyanim with Rabbi Doug
*Since the Pandemic Or Menorah is holding Minyaim on Erev Shabbat, Shabbat, and Motz’ei Shabbat (& Yom Tov) all other weekday davening will temporarily be as scheduled below.
~ S-F Shacharit: 8:30am at  Poalei Zedek 
~ S-TH Mincha/Maariv : 15  minutes before sunset at Poalei Zedek 
~Friday Mincha: 10 min. after Candle Lighting at 
Or Menorah
~ Motz'ei Shabbat Maariv: 33 minutes after Sunset at 
Or Menorah

If you have a birthday, a Yahrtzeit, a simcha,a baby coming, or you are a chiuv.... PLEASE inform Rabbi Doug and one of the Gabbayim when you come into shul so that the appropriate honors can be handed out and the appropriate announcements made.


See the only weekly Jewish TV show in the midwest!

"Taped With... Rabbi Doug"
See to watch on-line 24/6 and
for more info and schedules
This week's show with Rabbi Doug:
YOM HA’SHOAH 5784 at The IL Holocaust Museum
On-Line Link to watch this episode on the web:
Chicago - Channel 19 Mondays at 8:30pm and Tuesdays at 3:30pm.
(see for more TV schedules and stations.)
Be sure to check the
WRP Eruv Hotline
every Erev-Shabbat at
or on-line by clicking below:
A green sign on the window of Or Menorah
indicates the Eruv is Up & Kosher to use

Please make sure Rabbi Doug has your email address, and if you are not in the Achenu, please make your home address and phone number available also.
Shul Email:
Rabbi’s Email:
Dov Steinberg’s email:
(Shul phone: 773-299-8022

Please take care of your 5784 membership,
and any outstanding yizkor pledges
or past due donations.

To donate with a credit card, go to:
Please be up to date! We need your support!

Or Menorah


Summary of Parshat Beha’alotcha                                            By,    Rabbi Doug Zelden

  Numbers 8:1                    Page 605 in the Hertz Chumash

1st Aliya: Aharon is instructed to light the Menorah, and the Menorah's construction is reviewed. Moshe is commanded to inaugurate the Leviyim into the service of the Mishkan. Pg. 605 Ch.8:1


2nd Aliya: The Leviyim are inaugurated into Temple service. Their term of service was from age 25 to age 50. Pg.606 Ch. 8:15


3rd Aliya: The Bnai Yisroel keep their second Pesach since leaving Egypt. The laws of Pesach Shaynie - the makeup Pesach (one month after Pesach)are taught for those who were unable to bring the Pascal Lamb at the appropriate time. Pg.608 Ch. 9:1


4th Aliya: The movement of the Pillar of Clouds as the indicators of when to set or break
the camp is identified. In addition to the Pillar of Clouds, Moshe is commanded to make two silver trumpets that would be used to herald the traveling of the encampment,
or the movement of troops during war. Pg.609 Ch. 9:15


5th Aliya: The description of the nation's travels from the desert of Sinai is recorded. Moshe approaches his father–in-law Yisro also known as Chovav,
who refuses his offer to join them in Eretz Yisroel. Pg.611 Ch. 10:11


6th Aliya: The two verses of "When the Ark went forth" are stated, enclosed in the Torah by two  backward upside down “Nun” letters, and then things begin to unravel. Our commentators teach us that this is to separate this section form the previous and following sections of the Torah. The main body of this Aliya describes the nation's complaints against the physical conditions of their dwelling in the desert.
The Manna is described in contrast to the nation's desire for "real food". Moshe expresses his frustrations as leader, and Hashem promises to send quail to satisfy the people's desire for meat.
Moshe is instructed to appoint a Sanhedrin to help him govern and teach the nation. The 70 Elders are divinely confirmed,
and Eldad and Maydad prophesies the transition of leadership from Moshe to Yehoshua. Pg.613 Ch.10:35


7th Aliya: The quail descend upon the camp in such quantity that each person collected 1000 lb. of meat. Aharon and Miriam speak Lashon Harah about Moshe,
resulting in Hashem confirming Moshe as His preeminent servant and prophet. Miriam is afflicted with Tzaraat. Pg.617 Ch. 11:30


Maftir Aliya: We repeat the last three verses of the portion. Pg.619 Ch.12:14


Haftorah Beha'alotcha   Zecharya 2:14   Page 620

 This week's Haftorah records the prophesies of Zechariya to Yehoshua the Kohain Gadol. In 3390 - 371 b.c.e, Zerubavel along with Yehoshua led 40,00 Jews back to Israel. They began building the 2nd Bais Hamikdash only to be stopped when Cyrus withdrew his permission. In this prophesy, Zechariya showed Yehoshua that he could be worthy of effecting forgiveness for the Bnai Yisroel, in spite of his own short-comings. He was shown a vision of the Menorah (the obvious connection to our Parsha) representing the eventual purity of the Jews, and their acceptance by the other nations. The less obvious connection to our Parsha may be the concept of Teshuva and its relationship to the fulfillment of our mission. Just as the generation of the Exodus struggled with who they were in contrast with who they should have been, so too, in the building of the second Bais Hamikdash and the second Jewish commonwealth, Zerubavel and Yehoshua struggled with the realities of who they were in contrast to their undertaking of resurrecting the soul of their People. 


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