Shabbat Shelach 5784 e-Bulletin

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Or Menorah

Jun 28, 2024, 9:50:17 AMJun 28
to OrMenorah Google Groups

Or Menorah
Rabbi Doug Zelden – Rav
Rabbi Simcha Lefton – Asst. Rabbi
Dov Steinberg - Shul President

7006 N. California Ave. Chicago, IL 60645
Shabbat Parshat Shelach 5784
Friday Erev Shabbat Candle lighting 8:10pm

Friday – Mincha/Kabalat Shabbat:  8:20pm
Sof Zman Kriat Shma:(Say Shma by) 9:06am
Birkat Hatorah & Kriat Shma 9:00am

Shabbat Morning:  9:15am
Shabbat Mevarchim 
Rosh Chodesh Tamuz Yih’yeh B’Yom Shabbat Chodesh Uv’macharato B’Yom Rishon

do not have a Kiddush sponsor yet this week. If you are able to contribute, for a simcha, Yortzeit, or occasion, please contact the Rabbi.
Shabbat Afternoon:
Shiur with Rabbi Simcha Lefton begins 20 minutes before Shabbat Mincha

Shabbat Afternoon Mincha8:00pm
followed by Divre Torah and Rabbi Yehuda Kovacs speaking


Saturday Night:

Motz’ei Shabbat Maariv: 9:04pm  followed by Havdallah after 9:21pm
(Maariv begins no earlier than 33 minutes after sunset)

(If you are able to sponsor a future Shabbat or Kiddush please contact the Rabbi)

Mazel Tov to:
Nancy & Dov Steinberg on their anniversary.
Kymberly & Todd Israel on their anniversary.
Lorye & Barry Weiss on their anniversary.
Brooke & Mike Mandrea on their anniversary.
Miriam & David Forman on their anniversary.

Lois & Rabbi Doug Zelden on their anniversary.
Ahuva & Avigdor Horowitz on their anniversary.
Melissa & Yedidia Shabat on their anniversary.

Kayla Abbott & Shlomo Pickholtz and families on their marriage.
Tari Davis & Shlomo Landsman and families on their marriage.
Tal Porat & Eitan Feiger and families on their marriage.
Deni & Dr. Kevin Kirshenbaum on the birth of a granddaughter.
  Georgia & Jeremy Trubnick and families on the birth of a daughter.


Happy Birthday to:
Yael Draiman
Alan Rosenbaum
Victoria Mullen
Tracy Schultz
Phil Isaacson
Avromi Elliot Schwartz
Marty Silber
Dena Lefton
Eleanor Kirshner
Shira Makowsky
Chana Chroman
Marvin Schlanger
Paul Bromberg
Ira Sutker
David Kamish

Marnina Rosen
Karen Kaplan
Harry Friedman
Jeff Altschul
Norman Finkel
Yom Huledet Samayach!
Condolences to the families of:
Jeffrey Steinberg z“l
 Alan Lipman z“l
Naomi Spector a“h
Florene Barton a“h

Hamakom Yenachem Etchem B'Toch Sh'ar Avele Tzion Virushalayim!


Torah Thoughts from Rabbi Doug…
Parshat Shelach Lecha

Among the questions about the land of Canaan that Moshe commanded the twelve spies to investigate was "does it have trees or not?" and then added "you should take from the fruit of the land."  Rashi cites a midrash explaining that this question was not literally about trees, but rather whether there were upright people in the land whose merit might protect the inhabitants. The Satmar Rav (quoted in Talelei Orot) asks a question on the Midrash:  How were the spies to determine if there were upright individuals in the land?  We all know that there are plenty of phonies around and sometimes the person with the most pious exterior is disguising a rotten core. He explains that "you should take from the fruit of the land" was Moshe's advice on how to investigate the true character of the Canaanites.  Look at their "fruit," their children and their students. A person can easily fool the casual observer, but children and students are acutely sensitive to hypocrisy.  If there were truly upright and righteous people among the Canaanites, the spies would find upright and righteous children and students; but if there was no proper "fruit" to be found, then the "trees" were absent as well.  May we merit to have the sincerity and integrity to be "trees" that produce the proper fruitThis same concept is the biggest obstacle to peace in Israel. If the children of the Arabs/Palestinians are taught hate for Israel and the Jewish people from the age of entering school, then that fruit of the land is singed and will not be a viable partner for peace.

Or Menorah - Weekday Schedule of Services
Weekday Minyanim with Rabbi Doug
*Since the Pandemic Or Menorah is holding Minyaim on Erev Shabbat, Shabbat, and Motz’ei Shabbat (& Yom Tov) all other weekday davening will temporarily be as scheduled below.
~ S-F Shacharit: 8:30am at  Poalei Zedek 
~ S-TH Mincha/Maariv : 15  minutes before sunset at Poalei Zedek 
~Friday Mincha: 10 min. after Candle Lighting at 
Or Menorah
~ Motz'ei Shabbat Maariv: 33 minutes after Sunset at 
Or Menorah

If you have a birthday, a Yahrtzeit, a simcha,a baby coming, or you are a chiuv.... PLEASE inform Rabbi Doug and one of the Gabbayim when you come into shul so that the appropriate honors can be handed out and the appropriate announcements made.


See the only weekly Jewish TV show in the midwest!

"Taped With... Rabbi Doug"
See to watch on-line 24/6 and
for more info and schedules
This week's show with Rabbi Doug:
YOM HA’SHOAH 5784 at The IL Holocaust Museum
On-Line Link to watch this episode on the web:
Chicago - Channel 19 Mondays at 8:30pm and Tuesdays at 3:30pm.
(see for more TV schedules and stations.)
Be sure to check the
WRP Eruv Hotline
every Erev-Shabbat at
or on-line by clicking below:
A green sign on the window of Or Menorah
indicates the Eruv is Up & Kosher to use

Please make sure Rabbi Doug has your email address, and if you are not in the Achenu, please make your home address and phone number available also.
Shul Email:
Rabbi’s Email:
Dov Steinberg’s email:
(Shul phone: 773-299-8022

Please take care of your 5784 membership,
and any outstanding yizkor pledges
or past due donations.

To donate with a credit card, go to:
Please be up to date! We need your support!

Or Menorah

Summary of Parshat Shelach Lecha               By,  Rabbi Doug Zelden

Numbers 13:1                                                               Page 623 in the Hertz Chumash


1st Aliya: Moshe sends 12 Meraglim on a mission to spy out the land of Canaan. Pg. 623 Ch.13:1


2nd Aliya: The Spies return carrying the massive fruits of the land. Ten of the twelve spies deliver their negative report and the nation looses its faith in G-d and Moshe. Pg. 624 Ch.13:21


3rd Aliya: Moshe successfully argues for the life of the nation, and Hashem issues the 40 year decree of wandering and
that all males above 20 years old will not live to enter the promised land. Pg. 626 Ch.14:8


4th Aliya: The Ten Spies die, and the nation is informed of their own punishment. Pg. 628 Ch.14:26


5th Aliya: The laws of the Korban Mincha – the meal offering, are stated in this Aliya. Pg. 631 Ch.15:8


6th Aliya: The laws of separating Challah - the dough offering, and the communal Chatas - sin offering are stated. Pg. 631 Ch.15:17


7th Aliya: The individual Chatas - sin offering; and the incident with the man who transgressed Shabbos by
gathering sticks; his punishment; and the Mitzvah of Tzitzis, conclude the Parsha. Pg. 632 Ch.15:27


Maftir Aliya: We repeat the last five verses of the Parsha, which is the last section of Kriyas Shma, and the Mitzvah of Tzitzis.
This is said in every Shacharit and Maariv service.
Pg. 632 Ch.15:37


Haftorah Shlach               Joshua 2:1        Hertz Chumash - pg.635

 This week's Haftorah relates the story of Yehoshua sending Kalev and Pinchas to spy out Jericho, their encounter with Rachav, and their report confirming the fear of Yericho's inhabitants. The connection to our Parsha is obvious, however the outcome of this "second mission" was far different than the first one 38 years earlier.


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