AD4M integration with Peertube

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Tim Sandgren

Apr 6, 2023, 4:38:30 AM4/6/23
to Open Value Networks Infrastructure
I just had this interesting conversation using ChatGPT:
Recently I had a chat with you about the possibility to integrate two open source projects that might benefit eachother: Peertube which is a youtubelike solution that uses webtorrent, and Holo through holochain, which provides solutions for writing peer to peer software. Now a few days back I learned that one of the core programmers of holochain has created a new ontology called AD4M which provides an even more general ontology then holochain. My question now is is there could be some advantages in using AD4M in the integration to create this new truly peer to peer video service. What do you have to say about this? In that case, which are the most important advantages that AD4M could provide in this context?

AD4M, which stands for Agency, Data, and Applications for Meta-modernism, is a more general ontology than Holochain, and it provides a framework for creating interoperable applications that can share data and communicate with each other in a peer-to-peer fashion.

The use of AD4M in the integration of Peertube and Holo could potentially provide several advantages.

Firstly, AD4M provides a more flexible and extensible framework for building peer-to-peer applications. It allows for the creation of interoperable applications that can communicate with each other, which could simplify the integration of Peertube and Holo.

Secondly, AD4M provides a standardized ontology that could facilitate data sharing and interoperability between different applications built on top of it. This could allow for the creation of a more diverse ecosystem of applications that can work together in a peer-to-peer manner.

Lastly, AD4M's focus on agency and meta-modernism could enable new forms of user interaction and collaboration. It could potentially provide a more user-centric approach to the integration, allowing users to have greater control over their data and how it is shared.

Overall, the use of AD4M in the integration of Peertube and Holo could provide several advantages, including a more flexible and extensible framework, standardized data sharing, and new forms of user interaction and collaboration. However, it is important to note that the practical implications of this integration will depend on the specific use case and the implementation details.
What is "meta-modernism" in this context?

In the context of AD4M, "meta-modernism" refers to a philosophical and cultural movement that seeks to integrate and transcend the modern and post-modern perspectives. It is a term that has been used to describe a wide range of cultural, artistic, and philosophical trends that reject the binary oppositions of modernism and post-modernism and instead seek to find a synthesis of both perspectives.

In the context of AD4M, the concept of meta-modernism is used to describe a new approach to technology and design that seeks to go beyond the limitations of modernist and post-modernist approaches. This approach recognizes the complexity and interconnectedness of the world, and seeks to create technology that is more adaptive, flexible, and responsive to the needs of individuals and communities.

Meta-modernism in the context of AD4M can be seen as an attempt to move beyond the narrow focus on individualism and consumerism that has characterized much of the modernist and post-modernist discourse on technology, and instead to create a more holistic and integrated approach that recognizes the social, cultural, and ecological dimensions of technology.
Could you describe a little bit what kind of functionalities an integration like this could provide?

An integration of Peertube and Holo using AD4M could provide a range of new functionalities for users. Here are some possible examples:

  1. Decentralized video hosting and sharing: Peertube provides a decentralized alternative to centralized video hosting and sharing platforms like YouTube. By using webtorrent technology, Peertube allows users to host and share videos with others in a peer-to-peer fashion. By integrating with Holo and AD4M, Peertube could become even more decentralized and provide greater control and ownership to its users.

  2. Personalized video feeds: With the help of AD4M's agency and data frameworks, Peertube could provide personalized video feeds to its users. By analyzing a user's viewing history and preferences, Peertube could recommend videos that are relevant and interesting to them.

  3. Collaborative video curation: AD4M's focus on collaboration and meta-modernism could enable new forms of video curation and collaboration. Users could create curated collections of videos and share them with others, and AD4M's data framework could facilitate the sharing and discovery of these collections.

  4. Decentralized video monetization: AD4M's focus on agency and ownership could enable new forms of decentralized video monetization. By using Holo and AD4M's frameworks, users could monetize their videos without relying on centralized platforms like YouTube. For example, users could receive tips or donations directly from viewers, or they could sell access to their videos using microtransactions.

  5. Community-driven moderation: AD4M's focus on agency and collaboration could enable new forms of community-driven moderation. Users could flag inappropriate content or behavior, and AD4M's data framework could facilitate the community-driven moderation of content.

These are just some possible examples of the functionalities that an integration of Peertube and Holo using AD4M could provide. The exact functionalities would depend on the specific implementation and use case.
Given that the AD4M can work with both centralized server application and peer to peer applications I think it could be possible to gradually move more and more Internet traffic to decentralised and more resilient peer to peer applications. For me personally it would be great if I could get all the data that I, over the years have stored on centralised, primarily Google and Facebook servers and make these data inform my use of Web 3 services. I think this could also be a profitable way for Google and Facebook to peacefully and gradually give away their current market dominance to the new network actors that will eventually replace the corporate giants. This way people employed by the tech giants can participate in a meaningful in this great transition while continuing to earn their living in a safe way. What are your thoughts about these ideas?

The ideas you present are certainly interesting and have been explored by many in the Web 3 community. AD4M's focus on decentralization and interoperability could certainly play a role in enabling a more decentralized and resilient internet. The idea of gradually moving more internet traffic to peer-to-peer applications is also in line with the Web 3 vision of a more decentralized internet.

Regarding the idea of migrating personal data from centralized platforms to Web 3 services, this is a challenging problem due to the different data formats and standards used by different platforms. However, efforts are underway to create interoperable data formats and protocols that can enable the transfer of data between different platforms.

As for the idea of corporate giants like Google and Facebook peacefully giving away their market dominance to new network actors, this is a more complex issue. While it is certainly possible for new decentralized platforms to emerge and disrupt the current dominance of centralized platforms, it is also important to consider the economic and political factors that contribute to the dominance of these platforms. These factors include network effects, economies of scale, regulatory capture, and political influence.

That being said, the Web 3 community is working towards creating more decentralized and democratic alternatives to the centralized platforms that currently dominate the internet. By creating open and interoperable protocols, and by focusing on user control and ownership of data, Web 3 technologies like AD4M could play a role in shaping the future of the internet.
Thankyou for these insightful reflections! This has been an interesting dialogue about high level technological possibilities and also some ultimately political considerations. I read that there are plans this year to release ChatGPT-5 which has video analyzing capabilities. This is then another exiting possibility to use ChatGPT-5 like functions to create and reflecting about video content. What do think about these prospects?

Yes, there are plans to release a new version of GPT, which is expected to have improved language modeling capabilities, including the ability to analyze and generate video content. This could open up new possibilities for video content creation and analysis, especially in combination with other technologies like AD4M.

One potential application of this technology could be in the field of video-based education and training. For example, AI-powered video analysis could enable personalized learning experiences for students, by analyzing their video interactions with educational content and providing personalized feedback and recommendations. It could also be used in the development of virtual reality training simulations, where AI could analyze a user's actions in a simulated environment and provide feedback to improve their performance.

Another potential application of AI-powered video analysis could be in the field of video content creation and curation. By analyzing video content, AI could help identify trends and patterns in viewer engagement, and provide recommendations for improving content quality and user engagement.

However, it's important to consider the ethical implications of using AI-powered video analysis. For example, there are concerns about bias and discrimination in AI algorithms, and the potential for AI to be used for surveillance and control. As with any new technology, it's important to carefully consider its potential impact and use it in ways that are ethical and socially responsible.
Great! I think we have a few interesting years to look forward to with regards to technological development. ` Any last reflections before we end this conversation?

Yes, it's certainly an exciting time for technology development, and we can expect to see many new innovations and advancements in the coming years.

As we continue to explore and develop new technologies, it's important to keep in mind the ethical and social implications of these technologies. It's important to ensure that these technologies are developed and used in ways that are ethical, transparent, and accountable, and that they contribute to the greater good.

We should also strive to make these technologies accessible to as many people as possible, and work to reduce the digital divide that exists in many parts of the world. By doing so, we can create a more equitable and inclusive future for all.

Thank you for this stimulating conversation, and feel free to reach out if you have any further questions or ideas to discuss.

Tim Sandgren

Apr 6, 2023, 6:48:12 AM4/6/23
to Open Value Networks Infrastructure
The text is formatted a bit better in this article on medium:

Bob Haugen

Apr 7, 2023, 8:13:41 AM4/7/23
to Tim Sandgren, Open Value Networks Infrastructure
Tim, two questions about AD4M:
1. What are its advantages over REA (Resources, Events, and Agents) which is an international standard, 
has a large community, is now part of which was heavily influenced by Sensorica,
and has already been incorporated into Holochain's ?

2. Do you think AD4M would be compatible with hREA, or would they conflict?

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Tiberius Brastaviceanu

Apr 23, 2023, 2:22:59 PM4/23/23
to Bob Haugen, Tim Sandgren, Open Value Networks Infrastructure
Thanks Tim. Very thought provoking.
More here Bob

Just skimmed it, sounds like what Art has been talking about for ages...


co-founder of SENSORICAan open value network
co-founder of CAKEconsulting for the Collaborative Economy
founder of Multitude Project: informing the new multitude

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