Next Gen NRP - Workarty tomorrow.

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Tiberius Brastaviceanu

Feb 12, 2018, 9:14:15 PM2/12/18
Hi all, 

Tomorrow we start our weekly workparty on IT infrastructures for open value networks, and open innovation ecosystems. 

Main Goal
Plan for the development of the next generation NRP, based on p2p technology

Secondary goals
* This doc will be used for finding opportunities with Verdun project, possibly the EU, possibly private funding in collaboration with large companies (see our new relation with TATA group), etc. 
* This doc will be used to forge collaborative relations with other groups and organizations: p2pModels, FairCoop, WEb of Needs, etc. 

This work event appears on our agenda

The document we are using tomorrow is HERE
This doc contains mainly a structure, with lots of empty spaces. The First section in Red provides context and is used to build shared understanding. 

To Dos - before and after the workparty
If you want to contribute/participate in this effort here's what I propose. 
During the workparty tomorrow, I propose to expand the doc  HERE

Please try to be there at the hour set on the Google Calendar. I'll be online for 2 hours. 
On that Google Calendar, if you open the workparty event, you'll find a Hangout link. Open it to connect with whoever else will be there. 
You log your time here, as in the pic below.
Inline image 1 

Setting Expectations: I will be able to provide some orientation and some facilitation, but I would also really like to get stuff done. So think of this workparty as an event to get stuff done, rather than a meeting. So it's a workparty, not a meeting. But I will go out of my way to help you start working on something. Unfortunately, I will not have enough time to give you info that you easily find at the links above.    

NOTE: Those who show a lot of interest will be invited to participate to our early discussions with TATA Group about p2p IT infrastructure development. 
[here we implement merit/based access]


co-founder of SENSORICAan open value network
co-founder of CAKEconsulting for the new economy
founder of Multitude Project: informing the new multitude

Tim Sandgren

Feb 13, 2018, 10:32:28 AM2/13/18
to Tiberius Brastaviceanu, SENSORICA, Open Value Networks Infrastructure
Hi guys!

I have been working the past half year in an open community of practice called Fountainhouse international. This is a community with facilities all across the world. Their policy work harmonizes with state of the art practice when it comes to supporting people with "variation in mental health" (that I think it is called these days).

We now have a group here at the local clubhouse in Nyköping that focuses on artistic work. We are creating a saga inspired by starwars and we also sing karaoke and may compose some original music as well - for the purposes of marketing the OVN way of working together. We now plan a performance on the annual meeting in the end of march.

My suggestion now is that we do our best to make the NRP user friendly enough so that people in the Fountainhouse movement can easily store contributions in a database - and also somehow find people to collaborate with. Users should be encouraged to develop special skills out of their special interests and make relevant contributions to live peer production.

Best regards / Tim

Is there a work party somewhere now?

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Tiberius Brastaviceanu

Feb 13, 2018, 12:31:54 PM2/13/18
to Tim Sandgren, SENSORICA,
Hi Tim, 

Yes, we just wrapped up the workparty. See instructions on my first email in this thread. 

You can contribute next week :) 

On Feb 13, 2018 10:32, "Tim Sandgren" <> wrote:
Hi guys!

I have been working the past half year in an open community of practice called Fountainhouse international. This is a community with facilities all across the world. Their policy work harmonizes with state of the art practice when it comes to supporting people with "variation in mental health" (that I think it is called these days).

We now have a group here at the local clubhouse in Nyköping that focuses on artistic work. We are creating a saga inspired by starwars and we also sing karaoke and may compose some original music as well - for the purposes of marketing the OVN way of working together. We now plan a performance on the annual meeting in the end of march.

My suggestion now is that we do our best to make the NRP user friendly enough so that people in the Fountainhouse movement can easily store contributions in a database - and also somehow find people to collaborate with. Users should be encouraged to develop special skills out of their special interests and make relevant contributions to live peer production.

Best regards / Tim

Is there a work party somewhere now?

Tiberius Brastaviceanu

Feb 20, 2018, 9:36:42 AM2/20/18
Hi all, 

Sorry for not having reminded everyone yesterday about our weekly workparty. Some special circumstances... 

So I had to spend almost the entire night awake, and I already did some housecleaning (updated the SENSORICA Infrastructure webpage) and some work on the Next Gen NRP doc. I will probably only be good for one hour today, after I'll need some sleep  : ) 

Go to the event on the SENSORICA New Google Calendar to find the link to the Hangout for this workparty if you want to connect and take a task today. 

[If you can't find it there, here is is]

Tiberius Brastaviceanu

Feb 26, 2018, 6:41:17 PM2/26/18
to SENSORICA, Open Value Networks Infrastructure, Bob Haugen, Jake Knoppers
Hi all, 

Tomorrow, 10am, Montreal time we'll have our weekly Next Gen NRP workparty. 

See previous messages for more context. 

Past: Tim, Brent, Charles and myself have contributed to this new effort in the recent past. 

Tomorrow: We'll focus on the transition of the current NRP to a p2p NRP. Bob (programmer of the current NRP) will take part in our meeting. 
We'll be working in this document. You can access the discussion on Hangout at this address. 

Future: This document will become a White Paper that will inform the development of hte next generation NRP for Open Value Networks. We are pursuing different development leads at the same time: partnership with p2pModels, Holochain, TATA Consultancy Services, ...  

On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 9:36 AM, Tiberius Brastaviceanu <> wrote:
Hi all, 

Sorry for not having reminded everyone yesterday about our weekly workparty. Some special circumstances... 

So I had to spend almost the entire night awake, and I already did some housecleaning (updated the SENSORICA Infrastructure webpage) and some work on the Next Gen NRP doc. I will probably only be good for one hour today, after I'll need some sleep  : ) 

Go to the event on the SENSORICA New Google Calendar to find the link to the Hangout for this workparty if you want to connect and take a task today. 

[If you can't find it there, here is is]
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